favorte quote

Started by wolf bite, April 29, 2011, 07:19:25 AM

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"Am I the only one who finds it odd that you "store" rats in a barn? Also, Skiffs reproduce? But I ramble. Hi all!" - Kyrolin Zenyar
"Well, when a mommy skiff meets a daddy skiff... sorry, couldn't resist." - Shael
"AAGH! I have that IMAGE in my head now!" - Kyrolin Zenyar
"So when they meet.... care to finish Shael since you intruded lol " - Agamu of Riftgard
"...and the Skiffs really like each other..." - Rave
"and they....make the baby skiffs" - Agamu of Riftgard
"Pop! Out of the portholes." - Kyrolin Zenyar
"--Flyer-- Skiff singles night! Come on out and meet a curvy ocean beauty!" - GoonRacer
"Oh my goodness... 'Venue: Marlfox Clan Storehouse'" - Shael


"Marlfox needs to keep fit,yarr." - Vulpes Jarr
"I can throw a water buffalo 18 stories." - Prussia
"That would make an interesting Olympic event." - Double Rainbow
"One I would like to see. The Olympics used to be male only. And you had to be naked to prevent cheating. Which means my Mother could not participate." - Prussia
"Yes, people would come from all corners of the earth to witness the spectacle of the naked 200-foot water buffalo toss." - Double Rainbow
"You can't get any more awesome than that."  - Double Rainbow
"Except for maybe a naked 300-foot water buffalo toss."  - Double Rainbow
"Or a naked 9 001-foot water buffalo toss. " - Double Rainbow
"'Vegeta, what does the scoreboard say about his throwing capacity?'" - Double Rainbow
"Sorry, couldn't resist (again)." - Shael
"Hey Shael, you should just join our clan. Then you could post here without apologizing. :D lol" - Insert Clever Name Here


Oh those topics were so funny XD Especially the skiff one!