Leader Attacks???

Started by Sharptooh, April 10, 2011, 11:17:52 AM

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I think I asked about this before, but didn't fully understand the answer:

When I attack with 2,036,963 leaders and my opponent only has 190,406 leaders this happens:

"You also killed 4061 Leaders, losing 179973 of your Leaders in the process!"

Why do I lose so many leaders? This must be intentional but I can't understand why, for example if I attacked someone with 190'406 rats and I had 2 mil rats it would probably look something like this:

"You killed 50'000 rats and lost 20'000 rats in the process"

Can someone please explain???


losses are a percentage of what you have. If you have lots, that percentage is big.

I am toying with a few possible ways to make leaders a little less silly like this, but it is a tough call to make both realistic and balanced.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


I understand it's due to percentage (which like you said seems unrealistic) it's also incredibly annoying if you're a leader scraping land :-(

May I ask why this makes the game more balanced too? I can't think of any good reason why it's in place  :-\


Well, it deters leaders from picking on leader-defenseless indies with cheap leader attacks.

We could reduce losses and make the health cost higher, and perhaps reduce the land yield slightly.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


But Indiers can attack leaders just as easily with the troop they are massing, both have weaknesses that the other can exploit

And compromising by making the health cost higher seems very reasonable, as far as I can remember I think it only takes 2% health for a leader attack


Well, the difference is in locking land - a leader can always buy army, but an indy cannot get leaders without impacting production.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Yellow Eyes

Why not "send leaders" just like you send troops. You would have to balance it out with something else, so you can't just espy someone, then send twice the leaders they have, or whatever the ratio would work out to be, thus cutting down my own loss, while still gaining land.


Leader losses need to be high, leaders already have the bonus of espy to pick on weak spots if they don't want to sacrifice themselves.
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Kyrolin Zenyar

Yeah, but come on...  That high a leader loss?  That seems a little excessive.
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