Hi Iam new

Started by Dark-Wing, April 03, 2003, 12:38:01 PM

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 hello iam new,and was wondering if some of the members could help me with the game


 Read the game guide, it'll help you out.
Leader of Vermin Raiders

Also has been called a insane chipmunk.

 Go to Homestarrunner Its a cool site.
StrongBad rules!

wolf bite

 Sure, the first thing is to know that half the people that will help you may turn on you. Pick wisely. Sadly, that is part of the game. But meny are good people that will help you with knowing how to build your stats.

The first thing you need to do is find a Clan. Interview them, find out if they will give you a "big Brother" to work with you. Ask them where they stand in the ranks, who are their frined, and who are not.

I find that Winter, Hope, Evil Blades, and PAL are honerable, but there are meny more. Go to the clan quire and find the Leader or a diplomat and talk to them via game mail.

Enjoy the game.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 *Nods* Hello Dark-Wing!
I started my time here by posting a "hello" topic, too! Actually, mine was the first :P
Anyhow, I'm getting off track :rolleyes: . Have a good time here, and post freely in the forum. Good to have a new member who doesn't sneak around ;)
I will not deleted this

Badrang the Tyrant

 Clan of the Evil Blades and Winter are very good Clans for begining players.  I'm not sure about PAL because I've never been in it.

Chosen is a new clan that I am leading and is good for beginers too.


 I agree with Badrang,Evil Blades and Winter are good clans.

General Austin

 Hope is the best! B)  
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.



My advice in general is to read the game guide and Ad's guide thingy, and definately get a clan to help you out. Winter is, in my *cough* unbiased opinion, the absolute best clan, but it's generally full up. Try to get into a larger clan that's in the mid-to-upper ranks with its highest people- there are a lot of small clans with low, or even high, ranking members who'll accept newbies, but they often get involved in lots of drama and petty clan wars, so they're sometimes more trouble than they're worth.

If you need anything, you're a mature-sounding new person, so message me and I'll help!


 *Slaps head* Forgot to mention my horde.
Royal Fighting Corps, #10

ATM, I'm at a bit of a low spot, so I'll destroy all my troops and leaders then start rising up again. Don't expect to see me any place high ranked soon.
*Shrug* I don't like deleting my hordes on RWL, though it's common for me to do so elsewhere. :rolleyes:
I will not deleted this

Dead Eye

 Oh, and just so you know, write in full words in the forums. Use good spelling and use caps. Or else Calria and you will have a little one on one talk about it.  
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha' target='_blank'>http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha</a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov