Time to rework Cluny's Hut?

Started by Checkerpaw, September 19, 2009, 10:22:39 AM

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I'm not sure what exactly determines how much a warlord can put into the bank (i.e., Cluny's hut), although it seems to be tied directly to overall networth. For example, having $100 million in net means you can only put about $1 billion in the bank.

Am I the only one who thinks this method is outdated?  Players can easily make $1 billion in cash in a handful of turns. What about the player who's been busy creating cash and has $50 or $100 or even $200 billion in cash?  I'm not good at math (that's why I'm a mass communications and graphic design major!) but it doesn't make sense that a player with more than $100 billion in cash can't even put $1 million of that (or 0.01 percent, I think) in the bank.

My suggestion: the amount of money you can put in the bank should be determined by how much money you actually have, not your overall net.  Players should be allowed to put, say, 10 percent of their total cash on hand into the bank.  It's ludicrous that players can potentially only put 0.01 percent of their cash in the bank.

Why is this important?  Because there's a big different between collecting interest on $10 billion in cash and $900m in cash!
Highest rank in Regular: #6 (August '08)

Highest rank in Turbo: #1 (July  '09) as The NKVD
Highest finish in Turbo: #4 (August '09) as The NKVD

Also played as: Roadkill Collector (June '08) Gotten Smart (July), Mr. Holmes (August), That's What She Said (September)


Not trying to be a pest, but this is in the wrong section.
I agree it could use re-working, but not sure about your proposed method.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


moved to dev

I've forwarded a few ideas myself, waiting on more info from the higherups
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Right now your savings is equal to 1% of your networth and your max loan is equal to .5% of your networth.

Just increase the %'s to 10% and 5% of networth respectively.

Making it based on cash on hand is not a good idea.


I have 10 bil cash. I put 1 bil of it into savings (10% of cash on hand) my savings amount now drops to 900 mil (because I now only have 9 bil cash on hand.

Or I have 10 bil cash and put 910 mil into savings. Now I run turns, but I'm not actively making cash. So in order to run I'm drawing down on my cash balance every turn, thereby lowering my savings amount every turn.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


You should be able to store a percentage of your cash that is equal to the percentage of your networth made up by cash

for example, if your net is 50% cash, you can store 50% of your cash. (This measure should take your savings into account when measuring your total cash so that you don't run into problems Juska described. \

This way, people running cash strats will be able to store much more than people who are running indy or food strats.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


build (markets/top structure), and you should be able to fit a substantial amount more into your savings.

based on networth + total markets, capped say 250b-500bil, hard to reach that point until the end of set if you banked up.

redwall is out of date
Quote from: windhound on March 31, 2012, 05:10:16 PM
Coding out holes in the game is the best way to do things. 
Relying an the admins to patrol is a) time consuming for the admins in question b) unreliable c) only invites conflict
There is no conflict or "I didn't know any better!" excuses with a coded in rule.

Peace Alliance

Well there is a bug with the bank. currently if you use a turn after the max you can store is lowered, you lose everything above that. So that has to be fixed. /then/ we have to make it so market earnings go to the bank (until you login then it moves everything over your max to the coffers). /then/ we can recalculate how much you can store.

The Lady Shael

I thought I fixed that cutoff thing. It's not working? The cash should go to your cash out instead of disappearing.

And I didn't know we should make the market earnings login thing a permanent thing...so far that's only be implemented in select themes. Either way, consider those both done.

~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.

Peace Alliance

I added some neat extra things to cluny's hut today

heh, not without Shaels help, of course


Useful thank you PA.

I agree with moving Market returns to the bank or just keeping them from appearing until the account is logged into (currently in code at QMT) especially because it's super easy to market theft here.

Please do not make bank amounts equal to any percentage of net that is cash, it just makes it super easy for cash hoarders to safely hold cash and keep their net lower.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


Just by being a cash hoarder you already have leader defences effectively in place.

Also, I don't agree with removing market theft as an option. Leaders being able to store 80% of their food net on the market knowing it cannot be stolen is far too safe and over powered.