Hobo Speak.

Started by Pippin, July 18, 2009, 10:42:14 AM

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Night Wolf

*sips from cracked coconut under a palm tree*


*throws celery at Night Wolf and Krowdon*


Night Wolf

*trows empty coconut at Takara*


Hee hee... I think I heard an echo or two. =D

*throws Krowdon at Night Wolf*



I like coconuts.

Well, I mean, I've never actually LIKED them or anything.

But I like how when I hit my head with my karaoke machine michrophone set on "echo" it sounds like I'm hitting it with coconuts.

And then I usually see stars.

They're pretty.

Night Wolf

You said that already



I posted it here, and then I had nothing to say on The Last Word, so I just copied and pasted this to, you know, have the last word. =)

See what I did there? ^^