Suggestions by yours truely

Started by BigRick, June 29, 2009, 01:51:17 AM

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Ok so I am new here and can you give things from my point of view. First thing on the agenda.

I am new here and just found out turbo has already been reset. How is a new player suppose to know this stuff? If anything there should be an offical post on the forums, Turbo has been reset, sign ups are open.

It would be very helpful to me and all new players if the length of the set was on the welcome page with teh login stuff. That way i dont say hey, I would like to try this game out. Create an account, and login the next day to find out it was reset and i had no clue.  I also understand the turbo set ends on the 28th and doesnt always end at the same time. This is bogus. This does not put everyone on the same playing field.

You need to end the set on the 28th at the same time, every set. Code into the game to stop turns and any involvement in your country at a certain time so that people know when it is going to end so everyone gets an equal finish.

Also, i just started up my account on turbo. I've noticed turns start running straight away and you can start playing turns. I also disagree with this. Again, this does not put everyone on the same playing field. Not only do they not know when the set is actually going to end, you miss out on turns if your not there right away to create your account. I propose that you also start the set at the same time each set. End it at midnight on the 28th (pick a timezone and make sure they know its that timezone) Then i have no problem with it being reset right away. However, I think for 24 hours you shouldnt get any turns. Make that your sign up period. That way as long as you create in that 24 hours you will start equal with everyone else.

This is only the beginning. :P more to come as i see fit.
If I see another pink elephant, I swear I'll shoot!


Okay, first off man, Shael does the best she can with the resets.  She tries to get the same time each time, but her schedule doesn't always work around RWL.  People have more to life then the internet.

Turbo reseting has ALWAYS happened on the 28th, there is a PM that says it resets on the 28th that comes to you when you sign up, so if you sign up on the 28th, then just sign up the next day when it resets.

And to talk about your turns thing, not everyone always gets on exactly when their turns are maxed, so thats how people lose out on turns all the time.  Turns fill up in I believe a day roughly, if not less.  I know that I for a fact don't run every day.  I run whenever it seems fit for me to run.  Some people's strategies are based around running at the opprotune moment, weather they have full turns or not.

RWL is fine the way it is right now with the points you've made.  No need to change any of it.

Wolf Snare

Dave, try not to be so negative. I personally really appreciate Rick helping us out as he has experience in other promis. Firstly, I think there should be a notice on the main page telling new lords when the game resets. I like the idea, and think there should also be a time when turns are cut off / not usable if Shael is ever late to the reset. That way players can get a realistic feel to when the set will end and when to "pounce". We need that atmosphere and need to know when enough is enough ingame. several endings have been ruined because of the reset being off.

cheers rick
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)


Yes she does not have to fit her schedule around RWL. What i was trying to say is, there are ways to code in so that she doesnt have to be online to end the game. It can end its self, then she can login when she wants, and actually reset it.

I understand turbo resets on the 28th. I stated that, but can you tell me what time? I wont play this game long if i go to play my last turns and i find its been reset because i had no clue what time it would be reset.

I understand RWL may have been whatever for however long, but I am a new member and just giving my input from a new members perspective.

Why go to work if you dont know when your suppose to be there?
If I see another pink elephant, I swear I'll shoot!


Sorry for being a bit harsh towards you Rick, lol.

Okay, your right on that part.  I am not at all familiar with the coding process so I didn't know that there was a way to preset it so it ends by itself.  Turbo is SET to reset at 10 PM EST on the 28th, but Shael can't always make it there, but like I said, didn't know there was a code thing for it that can be set.  That'd be pretty handy. 

But I still don't agree with the turns not starting as soon as your account starts.  People always like to scout for the first 100 turns then wait for the turns to reset and start using it like that.  If the person isn't that great and gets out of protection too fast with lots of land and no troops, then for other people who break out of protection later can come in and snag the land.  It's a never-ending land fest the way the turns are right now, and that would be better for RWL as a whole in my opinion.


Good points, Rick.

I agree completely that the reset should be at the exact same time every month, and that the fact it's on the 28th also needs more exposure.

I don't think losing turns at the start of a set is too much an issue, as wasted turns are the norm, due to the need to run more than once a day. Having said that, at the very start of the round, it does make a difference. If it could be coded in for turns to be frozen until, say 12 hours after Turbo is reset, I think it would be a good thing :)

I appreciate your views, Rick, hope you stick around!
I will not deleted this

The Lady Shael

Hi BigRick, welcome to RWL. =)

Thanks for the suggestions. I've always wanted to put more information on the front page, but Peace Alliance has always been tinkering around with it and it's always been in a temporary state. He's gone till the end of summer, so I suppose now is a convenient time to fix it up a little.

As for the auto reset time, it's been in the works for almost two years now. The code for it is actually half-finished. It's not that it's hard or complicated to finish, I just haven't had time to do much coding or development work, or I have to devote my programming time to something more critical.

I like your idea of the signup period. I'll bring it up to the staff when I finish the auto reset code (which should be soon if people bug me enough!).
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


Ok so I am new here and can you give things from my point of view. First thing on the agenda.

I am new here and just found out turbo has already been reset. How is a new player suppose to know this stuff? If anything there should be an offical post on the forums, Turbo has been reset, sign ups are open.

I think there should be a little news section on the login page where admins can keep things up to date. We could probably easily include automated messages once we code the auto-reset. Something like, on the 25th of each month, a little message on the login page with a reminder about reset, and a message on the 29th saying that signups are open.

It would be very helpful to me and all new players if the length of the set was on the welcome page with teh login stuff. That way i dont say hey, I would like to try this game out. Create an account, and login the next day to find out it was reset and i had no clue.  I also understand the turbo set ends on the 28th and doesnt always end at the same time. This is bogus. This does not put everyone on the same playing field.

Actually I'm pretty sure you get an auto message from Shael when you sign up with info aout the reset date, but yes, it would be nice to have info on the login page as well.

You need to end the set on the 28th at the same time, every set. Code into the game to stop turns and any involvement in your country at a certain time so that people know when it is going to end so everyone gets an equal finish.

Haha that one is a bone of contention for a lot of people. It's being worked on, as Shael said.

Also, i just started up my account on turbo. I've noticed turns start running straight away and you can start playing turns. I also disagree with this. Again, this does not put everyone on the same playing field. Not only do they not know when the set is actually going to end, you miss out on turns if your not there right away to create your account. I propose that you also start the set at the same time each set. End it at midnight on the 28th (pick a timezone and make sure they know its that timezone) Then i have no problem with it being reset right away. However, I think for 24 hours you shouldnt get any turns. Make that your sign up period. That way as long as you create in that 24 hours you will start equal with everyone else.
Great idea! Keep turns locked until 12-24 hours after the reset, perhaps.

I hope you stick around :)

Please bear in mind though that RWL is alwyas in a state of coding flux and we only have one and a half coders (Windy doesn't know PHP very well I think) so don't get discourages if your ideas aren't implemented for a while. I hope to help Shael code a bit when i get more free time to learn PHP myself.
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