The resistance

Started by Firetooth, July 20, 2009, 10:56:50 AM

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The badger grunted; he wasn't likely to get a lot more out of this one.

Quixote was waiting quietly for Saver to reply. /What's taking this guy so long?/ the wildcat thought.


<<I don't know is Firetooth has a different story for Saver>>
"Why should you care?" Saver muttered as he picked the fire idly.


"At least state your name," Quixote answered, "I don't recall hearing it yet."

"He's right, Quixote," the badger spoke up, standing as he spoke, "why does it matter?" When rewarded with a glare, he simply shrugged and went back to his packs.


"I'm Saver," the stoat muttered and then he turned the the badger. "Tell me yours."


The badger stopped abruptly at Saver's request. After a few seconds, he finally sighed. "Throughout my entire life," he said slowly, opting not to turn toward Saver, "I have...never had a definite name."

"You what?" Quixote cocked his head, furrowing his brow. "Whatever do you mean by that?"

The badger sighed again. "I guess it's out now," he muttered to himself, then turned and walked back to the group, sitting down a little away from the others. "No matter how many times my grandparents told me what my name was," he started, "I could never stick with any one name. Back then, I didn't really know about it, simply coming up with whatever I thought my name was at the time. Now that I think back, my name seems to have always been changing. I didn't notice it until...well, one of them-" 'Them' meant the other beasts enslaved by Vorgon. "-pointed it out. Since then, I never bothered with a name for myself. Sad thing is, especially after all those years of being treated like a dumb animal, I can't remember what my grandparents had called me."

Quixote blinked. "A nameless badger," he muttered to himself. "No wonder you'd never tell me your name. Well, then, what's the first name you can think of?"

The badger closed his eyes. "Well, at the moment, all I can think of is the names of the others that I left behind..."