Calling Peace Alliance

Started by Sharptooh, June 01, 2009, 11:42:03 AM

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Quote from: windhound on June 02, 2009, 09:32:45 PM
Actually 7 is -supposed- to be better as far as being a total hog
Microsoft is having to keep extending XP over and over in part because Vista wont really run on netbooks.  The last thing Microsoft wants to do is let Linux have free reign in that rather popular market section.  I think they're aiming for Windows 7 to be netbook-friendly so they can finally axe XP (which they've been trying to do since Vista was released)

But yeah.  9.04, released April '09 (holycow a naming scheme that makes sense!)
Xubuntu may or maynot be a better choice.  XFCE is generally an excellent, light window manager...  but the Ubuntu team, in their infinite wisdom, bastardized it.  Its shinier and slightly easier to use for newbies, but I believe it uses significantly more resources than a stock XFCE install.  Give Ubuntu a try on them first, generally it's happy enough with 512mb of ram.

I read somehwere about someone who'd tried Windows 7 on a netbook with 1 MB of Ram, he tried to make it more efficient but he still said it lagged really bad, up to the point where it froze.

That was only the Beta though so maybe microsoft have wised up a bit, in my opinion though I really think xp was the best thing microsoft have done in a while, I mean Vista is just a rip off for around £250.

As for putting Ubuntu one some of them, I'll take your advice and give Ubuntu a go first, Some of them are as ancient as the hills though (like 11 years) which is causing some problems as parts go but other than that we're doing ok.

Quote from: windhound on June 02, 2009, 09:32:45 PM
But yeah.  9.04, released April '09 (holycow a naming scheme that makes sense!)

I never did understand the release names, I mean "hard Heron" and "warty warthog" ?????

I'll give Ubuntu a go again on my test PC, it didn't seem to like the the graphics card on there either (to the point where startup would display a black screen and refuse to work) that was Ubuntu 8 though, so hopefully 9 will work.

Peace Alliance
