This theme is a history lesson

Started by Peace Alliance, December 15, 2008, 10:48:10 PM

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Peace Alliance

This gameplay reminds me of when I first started here at RWL. Back then it was uncommon to be attacked more then 8 times by the same person. Not so many people had leaders, and it was very hard to get very much over your total land*1000's networth.

Now with so little land flow things are similar. It's interesting to see. Because people are using their leaders for attacking, there are a lot fewer leaders out there.

As much as it's like the past, there are certainly some important differences. Notably, people are using more then the same few races that work well. Also there is a lot more team work. Runs are better coordinated, and we are all using more modern strategies that result in some pretty high NW's overall. It would have been uncommon to have so many people with so much NW back then, there would have maybe been 3 or 4 players with over 100m NW.

There were also a lot more players back then, so a bit more land.