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Messages - American White Boy

Turbo Discussion / Waz up yall
December 17, 2004, 11:59:32 PM
 I see you are noob just because you haven't written 1000 messages on the forum some how i don't think thats fair, oh well w/e

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     American General
Turbo Discussion / Ph33r Peace Alliance!
December 17, 2004, 01:17:57 AM
 LOL, that was nice peace, you definetly do know your game...
Question is anybody good enough in this game to keep up with peace?
Or will i have to talk to my friend more to learn more to become better and get close to peace?
Even tho all of you should beable to break me very easily... oops did i say that out loud... but then again some of you are so pathetic that i could puke on your face, kick you in the A** and you would be like ummm what just happened, ummm did he spit on me, ummm i'm a retard, ummm can somebody explain this to me... umm ummmm ummmm

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      American General
Turbo Discussion / BBU Turbo names
December 17, 2004, 01:08:13 AM
 whats this bbu stuff about
Turbo Discussion / Waz up yall
December 17, 2004, 01:05:17 AM
 okok so i was hoping i was somewhat right, lol, not good with history, i guess it was just tyring to prove a point then, atleast you guys got the point lol...

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     American General
Turbo Discussion / Waz up yall
December 16, 2004, 10:14:54 AM
 Challenge yes, of course thats the best way to become better is by a challenge. If no challenge then there is no learning which there is no increasing of you ability to be better. Why do you think in history so many countries have crashed and burned. The Romans, the aztecs, and so on. They became really strong eliminated all the some what challenges therefore created no new tatics and down they went.

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      American General
Turbo Discussion / Waz up yall
December 15, 2004, 11:37:59 PM
 I just started the game like 2 weeks ago i guess i can't remember, and i just signed up to forums like 4 days ago. And yes i am a newbie who has never played this game before but i have good resources who told me how to play and what to do when certain things happen. Also for all of you who have been playing for awhile and is below me you need lessons on how to play or get your but in gear. The saddest part is i am not really trying, lol.

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     American General

Thought this was better than General HaHa
Turbo Discussion / Waz up yall
December 13, 2004, 11:53:00 PM
 Hey waz up, just thought i would say hi, since i just started like a week ago or something like that can't remember. Need help with anything pm me in game and i will see what i can do. Just trying to make friends. Well catch yall later...

General HAHA