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Messages - Napoleon

Turbo Discussion / Two accounts disabled.
November 07, 2004, 11:45:44 AM
 Administration are normally right.  At other places I go to, no one argues with them.
Clans / Democratic Empires
November 06, 2004, 09:19:02 PM
 The votes so far have been very quick, and the co-ordinated attacks are going to be at the same time each day, so you wouldn't have the turns to attack anyway.  It happens often that there's someone with a lot of land that you can not attack.  In fact, a rule is being voted on now if each member can make a certain amount of their own attacks so that you can hit that guy with 40k land.
Clans / Democratic Empires
November 06, 2004, 08:07:42 PM
 *Salutes* Hello, this message concerns your status of being clanless. We would like you to join Democratic Empires and participate in what will be a powerful clan next round. The purpose of you joining us will be to strengthen our hold on this game together. With numeric superiority, we can look towards a safe future from potential enemies. You can join no matter how skillful you are. We only look for open, willing warlords.

The problem with many clans is the lack of coordination and consistent ideologies. With my clan, ''Democratic Empires,'' we can vote with an equal say on issues and tactics. If there is a stalemate then the proposal will be rejected. It is that simple. Most attacks will be voted on and planned for ahead of time. If the majority agrees with a proposal, then the whole clan will carry it out. Remember that Democracy is the will of the majority, not the will of one.

I want you to feel that this clan is as much as yours as it is mine. With this feeling, I hope to have a greater loyalty with team members and a sound strategy.

The main concern of mine is people attacking at random, this will only serve to create more enemies. We should scout out those noble and forge alliances with them, and concentrate all attacks on those that go against our clan and values. None attack and retal that goes on forever, but rather destroy enemies quickly and efficiently.

Our strategy will keep the clan together and always progressing higher so we can attack all enemies and coordinate attacks at the same time. If you fall behind, your allies will be willing to aid you and help you rise back up again.

I feel these strategies will serve us best, yet like I said, this is a democracy. If you feel that something should be changed, we can vote or negotiate on it .

We currently have 6 memebers, and are still gaining. Please join us so we can obtain victory together. Thank you.