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Messages - Yourself

Role-Play / The dawn
June 15, 2004, 10:45:54 PM
 RazorClaw smirked. A position that could possibly bring about great profit. The weasel cut a dashing figure on the walltop, in his silver vest, with black diamond plates concealed behind it. Beneath the mail he had a black silk shirt, tailored perfectly to fit and with an insignia embroidered upon the heart. Unbeknownst to his enemies, however, the insignia concealed a black diamond plate which had saved his life from many a sharpshooter. His pants were a tough fiber made from spider webs. It was uncolored, leaving it with the silvery shade of a spider web. On the sides of his legs he had the same diamond mail, covered with black Cape Buffalo leather. The buffalo had nearly killed him. But not quite. Instead, he had used his silver handled, black diamond bladed, scimitar to cut off its head, which he now had on display at the tavern in his hometown. His mother was ill, and he hadn't the money to get her a cure. He was attempting to raise the money, as a mercenary, to get a cure for her. His father, before he went off to the war where he died, had given him a bow. It was a beautiful weapon, made from a young yew that was selected out of the finest area in Mossflower. His arrows were made from ash, with peacock feathers on the rear and a black diamond arrowhead on the tip of each one. He had forty arrows. Twenty were carried in his quiver, the others concealed in the town which he was currently bedded. He surveyed the scene of battle in front of him. Whom should he offer his battling skills? He decided the ferret wasn't in a very advantagious situation. He couldn't afford to attempt to move to a postion with more cover. He shot an extra arrow, with a cable attached, down near the (OOC:Deathclaw, dunno what animal you are). He attached the other end of the cable to one of the battlements, and he used a rope to slide at insane speeds down to the creature who appeared to be in charge. He gave his most serious look and said, "Hello, good sir. I'm a mercenary, and I wish to discuss a contract in which I offer you my services. The negotiations need not take place now, but initially, I will do this skirmish for free." He waited for a reply.
Spa Room 101 / The meaning of GFO
June 15, 2004, 10:19:27 PM
 Go Feed Optimists? Going Over Food? Getting Ordered Foolishly?
Polling / Coolest person?
June 15, 2004, 10:14:47 PM
 Wl, golleey, ty ppl!