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Messages - Nith Batoxx

Polling / The Future
June 15, 2004, 08:30:49 PM
 Well... so far this poll shows that people are communists who want al humans to become extinct... interesting.
General Discussion / Umm question
June 15, 2004, 08:19:52 PM
General Discussion / Umm question
June 14, 2004, 10:33:44 PM
Quote from: Narfelahhh, thanks for the tips old chap!
Quite alright.  It probably won't work here though. I would suggest following Peace Alliance.  Apart from No. 5, though...meh.

And by the way... I'm not a gal.
News / Updates / Titles
June 14, 2004, 10:26:37 PM
Hope this hasn't been asked... does the actual amount of posts posted by a poster (heh) mater at all?
General Discussion / Umm question
June 14, 2004, 10:21:11 PM
 Umm... with me, I wnt on, and saved the piccy I wanted to my PC. Then I went on the school site and uploaded it to my directory.  Then I copied the address out of the address bar and put it in the bit where you put your avatars address.
Polling / The Future
June 14, 2004, 10:13:41 PM
 I have the strangest feeling I should understand that.  But I don't.   :huh:  
Polling / Long signatures
June 14, 2004, 10:11:36 PM
Heh, if this is a) spam or b) insults, I apologise and won't ever do it again, cross my heart and hope to contract a horrific alien disease that makes my organs metamorphose into an alien monster.  Hem.
Polling / The Future
June 14, 2004, 10:03:38 PM
 I chose "A communist world, but it came to power through war.".  Go the communists!

Heh, saw Not Another Teen Movie last night.  One of the grossest things I've ever seen outside of the Internet.

CISCO exam in an hour.  o_O
Polling / Do you have a odd talent?
June 14, 2004, 10:00:52 PM
Quote from: SonorasThis is kinda random, but I think It's really odd, but my mom was in south america and some lady was walking down the street and a car wit her in the back of the head and her eyeballs flew out and she caught them in her hand......and she was just standing there with eyes in her hands.....
Ummm... Is that actually possible?  I mean, with the eyeballs connected by nerve casings to the brain, you'd kinda have to have a fairly large chunk of your grey matter knocked ouyt of you skull as well...

Anyways, my talent is... I have two!

a) I can memorize any given detail about any current fad eg. pokemon, without actually caring a single bit about it and only having watched three-four episodes.  I can also do this with fantasy novels and RPGs

B) I can program in Visual Basic faster than anyone else in my class.  Tee hee.  If I actually get off forums for long enough, anyway.

[Grr... the stupid face is mant to be B ). ]

[Don't double post; edit instead.]
Polling / The Future
June 14, 2004, 09:42:28 PM
 I'm just curious.  Thanks if you reply.
Role-Play / The dawn
June 14, 2004, 09:31:45 PM
 ((Whoa? o_O Numbers?))
A heavy stone cracked into Sabbats helmet, almost knocking him over.
?We are attacked!? One of his guard cried, unsheathing a wicked-looking sword.  Sabbat threw himself low on the ground, signalling to the warriors to do likewise as a hail of rocks sailed overhead.  Rolling to a thin ferret in leather armour, Sabbat kicked him savagely in the ribs.
?Get moving!  Tell Kiros that we are attacked and to bring the entire force forward, leaving reserves a half-mile behind!  Archers and slingers to the flanks, with a full battalion each to guard!? He hissed. ?We will show this new foe that we are not to be trifled with!?  The ferret swallowed, nodded, and scuttled for the trees, dodging stones as he went.  Sabbat risked a quick look up to check the surrounding terrain for cover.  Spotting plumes of smoke rising from the city, he swore savagely and ducked down again.
?Those sons of toads have beaten us to the prize!? He told his warriors, scowling in fury. ?All we have left now is revenge.  Jarva!?
?Sir?? A burly ferret with a greataxe saluted awkwardly, due to the fact he was belly down in the mud.
?Take two men and run a perimeter check.  I want to know how many enemies surround us.  Kill all that you can without risking the rest of us.  Understand??
?Yes sir!?
Three ferrets bounded away into the dawn.

((RWL won't let me in either since SOMEONE ELSE is using my e-mail to log in.  I sent Admin. and e-mail but they haven't replied.  Grr!))
Role-Play / The dawn
May 31, 2004, 10:00:08 PM
 ((Not sure what you mean... probably not.))
Clans / Clans
May 24, 2004, 10:31:08 PM
 I posted Might!  because Holby told me to... he's in my head!!  AHRGGG!!!!!!!!  Actually he's sitting next to me on PC 6, and I'm on PC 5.  Oh well.  It's all holbys fault.
Polling / Do you think we should have a theme?
May 24, 2004, 10:26:52 PM
 Heh... mothra.  What's that flying turtle with the jet boosters or whatever?  Ganymede or smething...
Polling / Bad super power.
May 24, 2004, 10:23:57 PM
 I chose Super Sense of Smell, because if you forget to clean your room for a week (points at self) you are pretty much immune to all but the very worst of organic smells... ergh.