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Messages - Typh Serpentblade

Spa Room 101 / PotC and RW
May 08, 2004, 01:15:29 PM
 For some reason, all the new, minor RPGs spawning from FR and its RPers are based on pirates. :huh: I mean, so is mine, but that's because I have this great plan to start out as stranded pirates, then pirates again when we rebuild our ships, then eventually a vermin horde, and at last an empire or at least a kingdom*. Of course, I'm talking here in the midst of the cream of RPers, guys have no clue what I'm talking about.

But I want to see what you guys are really like. I have a few of you on my site, people who have never even heard of FR. So you guys prob'ly haven't heard of FR, either, have you? :(

Well, I'll cut to the chase. Not sure if advertising is allowed or if I've doctored this enough so it doesn't count as advertising, but...I've got a small pirate* (vermin) RPG which is slowly growing through our laborious efforts at advertising. We have 18 members, all good RPers and some vets from FR. It's really fun, but we need more members. So come check it out. We just finished our second major RP, a battle with an army of moles, and we're taking back to the seas again.

Oh, I almost forgot! I wrote up an annoyingly cheesily epic intro for my site. So I'll paste it in here just to annoy you:

"A misty legend among the pirates of the Southlands: the North Sea, a deadly sea, but one protecting a fruiful, cool land where a pirate can be his own beast. But when the Malkariss' Revenge travels there, captained by the infamous ferret Nuzgutt Steelblade, the crew find, contrary to their expectations, a cold barren land worse than the Southlands by far. Join them in their struggle to survive in the face of savage natives, unfamiliar lands, and harsh weather. Join as they battle native tribe after native tribe, and finally regain their wings of flight; to the sea again, in a squadron of deadly pirate ships, newly built. Join them." :D