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Messages - random

General Discussion / To Retto
September 28, 2004, 04:32:54 PM
 if you think Wildwood and zah have longish siggys, lookie mine   XD
and the character change wouldnt effect it..  I only have a few words..  it's just..  space..   :lol:  
Spa Room 101 / *has the most pointless and longest siggy*
September 26, 2004, 01:23:01 PM
just randomly, random has created one of the longest and most pointless sigs RWL has ever seen...

be glad I dont use this account often..  ^_^
Spa Room 101 / New Sig Section
September 26, 2004, 01:20:34 PM
 *admires siggy*

tis more pointless than any other out there ^____^
Clans / S.A.
September 19, 2004, 06:02:08 PM
 Royal == Sworn, a sisterclan if you will..
'cept different leader..  who could /possibly/ go his own way.. I kinda hope so  ;)
Spa Room 101 / random dudes
September 18, 2004, 03:06:04 PM
Quoterandom rules.

Help / Bugs / Luck or Code in Turbo
September 17, 2004, 10:40:06 AM
 ...Juska, why dont /you/ make the gameguide?
you could do the basic stuff, like attack types and troop types and locations, and Retto could add in stuff like the command line codes...  
:lol:   instead of complaining, try helping...
Spa Room 101 / A riddle
August 25, 2004, 04:12:55 PM
Polling / School
August 25, 2004, 11:14:21 AM
 lol..  when I think of Pawn shops I think of rather dingy, underlighted places in not the best neiborhoods..  

ah well..

I know somone who had to be homeschool their junior and senior year of HS because of severe asma..  eeh..  astma?  still doesnt look right..  the breathing problem..  I know she wished she could be back at public school..

and, no offence to yall homeschooled persons, but most of the people I've met who have been homeschooled most their life are rather snotty..  think very highly of themselves..  probably 'cause of Myrth's 2nd point..  
General Discussion / Signature limitation
August 25, 2004, 10:51:45 AM
 hrm..  you've got two tracks off the Shrek (first) soundtrack in your siggy...  donno if that's where you found them though..  
tis definatly too long though..
um, yeah..   *looks down*  this account never got a siggy..  'he'll have to get a short one..  and I'll need to fix my avi..  seems graffiti doesnt like that account anymore..
General Discussion / Redwall TCG!!
April 20, 2004, 11:35:53 AM
 ;)  yeah, random is my account aus, I havent signed into windhound on this school comp today, so it's probubly just a small bug,

Spa Room 101 / My life has re-begun!!
April 20, 2004, 11:31:03 AM
 kinda wrong there..
IE is Internet Explorer, the default brower that comes on all windows computers (I think macs too actually)
Firefox is a brower alot like IE in that it's used for internet browsing, it's made by Mozilla, it's main toolbar is much smaller, takin up less room, it has tabs (very handy), and it apparently is less likly to crash,
oh, and it has a much better download manager because you can pause the download, so if you go (or are knocked) offline you dont lose all your info, you just hit resume  (atleast, I assume that's how it works, that's how another thing like it works)
it has a few more features, you can just browse the site to find them
General Discussion / Redwall TCG!!
April 20, 2004, 11:12:57 AM
 Aus, fix your link please..
EDIT:  thankee

sounds neat, twould draw more attention to the RWL sierres..  
though, I read somewhere that Jacques didnt approve of anyone makin a RW computer game..  does he approve of tradin cards?
General Discussion / tactical strike
April 20, 2004, 11:06:21 AM
 ...which can bea good thing, it'd get awful dull if people didnt occasionally stir things up..
General Discussion / Back!
April 20, 2004, 10:56:36 AM
 *isnt Peace*
and I shall prove it if I must, I just like muckin around with this account..  
my spelling and grammer is soo much better than Peace's, though, when I told him I'd made this account and made the post in the Turbo discussion he said you'd think it was him..  


plus, my avi is better than his :P
General Discussion / Billy here
April 20, 2004, 09:18:10 AM
 people should use quotes when referring to a subject more than 1 or 2 posts down,  not that hard