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Messages - koala

Spa Room 101 / questin
May 08, 2004, 11:59:02 AM
Spa Room 101 / questin
May 05, 2004, 06:25:27 PM
 i hak for ums
General Discussion / sometheeng serious
May 03, 2004, 07:26:53 PM
 well, i desided to stay here and hav fun in da game so... i am snot well ackchilly my frend eets snot i thinc hees a homo gay guy
General Discussion / Guess who!
May 03, 2004, 07:24:27 PM
 i no eeven no hoo u eeven r
Spa Room 101 / HERE?
May 01, 2004, 04:41:49 PM
 i gotta hack dese forums like da other 1 i hackd
Spa Room 101 / HERE?
May 01, 2004, 04:30:38 PM
  :unsure:  :ph34r:  :blink:  :(  :rolleyes:  B)  :)  :angry:  :lol:  <_<  i am at scool tokeeng 2 u giys

Quote from: Badrang the TyrantMethinks not...
badrang you thinks wrong, lol, yep tis me, I am realy surprised that most of you didnt catch it right from the begining, i just made a post explaining why i had no weasels, lol. so yeah if i am really fat please attack me with weasels there is no point in us waisting our stoats, skiffs and rats when you can grab my land and not be harmed either. and actually i usually have more stoats than skiffs but someone had attacked me with stoats before the espionage. i like to kepp both my stoats and skiffs the same so that i have 2 attacking troops, i attack with whichever one i have most of at the time, if it fails i use the other kind of troop, if that fails i will either try with rats ( depending on if i have a lot of rats or the size of who i am attacking) or loot to health and find someone else to attack.
General Discussion / im noo
April 19, 2004, 05:18:04 PM
 hey im snot well  actually my friend eats snot and my ears i think he is homosexual
[im a homo]

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News / Updates / The Official RWL Photo Album
April 19, 2004, 05:07:06 PM
General Discussion / im noo
April 16, 2004, 04:27:37 PM
 oooooo now i no
Polling / Smoke dope?
April 16, 2004, 04:23:00 PM
 ill nevr smocke cuz i am only 7
General Discussion / im noo
April 16, 2004, 04:19:30 PM
 im noo so bee nise to me im not bvery old

wut is rwl
News / Updates / The Official RWL Photo Album
April 16, 2004, 04:07:51 PM
 i dont no wuts goin on here vut u giys bettea stop
Polling / Hottest Girl In RWL
April 16, 2004, 03:58:02 PM
 i dun no waht evy 1 looks like so i dun no