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Messages - Tepi

General Discussion / Hello
April 13, 2004, 03:41:44 PM
 Indians dont deserve nothing STFU.

This is my computer

Nick is a friend, what i do isnt him, blame him if you want but there your just stupid. Everyone makes there own actions.

lastly it was just a post nothing more.
General Discussion / Hello
April 13, 2004, 03:36:28 PM
 Im from BC fools, and the fact that indians are completly useless and wasting tax dollars is how well fix the economy. As well as hardcore drug addicts. Useless people. Also fools who play some gay text based game and think there cool. Hitler was a genious but even genious's make mistakes. Everyone has and will. Now i suggest you all slit ur wrists and have a good day.

Yeah me and nick are homies.
General Discussion / Hello
April 13, 2004, 03:19:33 PM
 I know he was only beggining the "final solution" and i know he wasnt going for te speed of killing faster, but he should have so he could have killed more jews. And no im from canada, thought on here is every asian and indian in canada should be killed or deported to save tax payers. Quebec should also be kicked out. Anyway hitler was evil but he was no doubt a genious. The fact he had everyone fallowing him, He was really  jew, it was about 4 ways back in his family. Hitler would have one won ww2 is he didnt invade or go as deep into USSR and if he had more troops when canada, britan and usa invaded them on the 5 beach's. And screw human life, I believe in what benifits me, and losing lives would save tax dollars and improve our economy so by all means, creat a new hitler to help take over canada.
General Discussion / Hello
April 13, 2004, 02:01:59 PM
 WHo cares about jews or jehova's witnesses or even gypsies. Also who cares at all about homo's. They deserved to all be killed. Gas chamber was even fast enough, they should have just unloaded clips into them.  Hitler took what he believed in and took it to the highest level, he wasnt scared to show what he believed and what the people believe because of him.
General Discussion / Hello
April 13, 2004, 12:19:00 AM
 are u hating on my views of hitler, why is he such a bad guy, he did nothing wrong.
General Discussion / Hello
April 13, 2004, 12:06:10 AM
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