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Messages - Harpo

General Discussion / Happy Pi Day!
March 16, 2004, 03:31:39 PM
Quote from: BlackeyesThis is really pathetic what you guys talk about on here.....
And you should keep comments like that to yourself, Blackeyes.
General Discussion / Happy Pi Day!
March 15, 2004, 07:45:17 PM
 *squeezes into the time machine* YAY!!!
General Discussion / Happy Pi Day!
March 14, 2004, 09:26:42 PM
 Its also my cusin's birthday... But it will be a big Pi celebration in the year 1592. 3-14-1592!!! :)
General Discussion / Newbies
March 11, 2004, 05:25:10 PM
General Discussion / Newbies
March 10, 2004, 05:23:36 PM
 I'm new too.
Spa Room 101 / Favorite Book
March 09, 2004, 04:39:13 PM
 Lets see... My favorite book of all time is Matilda By Roald Dahl (also a great movie by the way. I think Mara Wilson was a great child actress. Does anyone know what ever happened to her?)

and Stephen King's Carrie and The Shining (I would not recomend unless over 13 even though I didn't think either of them were scary. Its the language and other things that bothers me.)
Polling / Hottest Guy In RWL
March 09, 2004, 03:50:25 PM
 Photo Album

Its right there. *points*
Polling / Hottest Girl In RWL
March 09, 2004, 03:43:05 PM
Polling / How do you like your steak?
March 08, 2004, 07:33:35 PM
 Well Done
Spa Room 101 / Favorite Book
March 08, 2004, 03:44:32 PM
 Hi Doodlehead!!! *waves*
Spa Room 101 / I'm depressed
March 07, 2004, 07:44:38 PM
 Sorry to hear that. I don't think you're stupid if that makes you feel any better.
General Discussion / I'm so abused...
March 07, 2004, 12:50:43 PM
 *is about to say something but then trips on Immy*
General Discussion / I'm so abused...
March 06, 2004, 05:26:52 PM
Quote from: PeweeIt could have been worse. You could have hit the stairs, then the air hockey table, then accidently run into the tv stand and nock the game cube off and break PSO, or Kirby Air ride, then trip on Immy...

( In case you all haven't realized, I've been to her house alot. As in, I go over every wed. alot)
"Trip on Immy"???? Was Immy there?  
General Discussion / I'm so abused...
March 05, 2004, 08:01:51 PM
 I have only been once. I have only been invited once.
General Discussion / I'm so abused...
March 05, 2004, 06:33:39 PM
 Gosh Julie!!! Who took thoose pictures?  :lol: