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Messages - Fadilsha'sa'cri

Turbo Discussion / Venom (#57)
January 17, 2004, 12:38:05 PM
Quote from: VipersByteDid anyone really think i would let him call a contract on my head and not defend myself?
Him and Fadilsha'sa'cri (#62), darn near killed me over his bounty of 7 billion.  With the odd attack from other people thrown in for good measure.

Am i mad?   well ok, i was pretty peeved at him and #62, for a bit, but then again, they did play by the rules and attack me while i was off line, of which i thank them  :)   But to go as far as they did. was out of bounds.
Feh... I didn't care about the bounty. I had no use for a 10 million rats. In fact, I still don't. Just fun to attack and be vicious. But only on turbo. I'm very placid on Reg. And I never online attack. Except if the person is goign for my kill.

Anyway, you got back pretty good, no? I mean poisoning 18-28 Billion money is pretty good, eh?

Well... I don't give a zark if you attack me. Because I can get back very easily. I'm already on my way to recovering my NW.

Ah'll be Bahck!
