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Messages - Fun For None

General Discussion / DISABLED
November 01, 2004, 07:12:45 PM
 100 breast: time = 1:01.62 STATE 2004
200 free: time = 1:51.98 STATE 2004
100 fly: time = :59.21 CONFERENCE 2003

You're terrible.

The fly time's a joke. Half the kids in our middle school program can break a minute. The free time is pretty terrible as well. As a senior you haven't broken 1:50? Check the national/age group times at any site- or look at college swimming information/results.

Breast- not bad considering how inept you are at everything else.

Good friend of mine is an All-American, and unlike you I've been talking to coaches since they were eligible to call me this summer.  
General Discussion / DISABLED
November 01, 2004, 06:48:52 PM
 Kilk is a fast swimmer?

No Kilk is not.

Kilk should post some of his times or meets he has attended. He's never even been to Junior Nationals. He /might/ be able to swim at a DIII school. Probably not.

General Discussion / DISABLED
November 01, 2004, 06:36:43 PM
QuoteEli, havn't you been paying attention?
I havn't cheated in forever, I am much better htan you, and always have been, some people just can't overcome their own ignorance and play to the best of their ability, you are one of those people.
get over yourself, you can't hate because I'm better htan you.

The chance of Retto hating because of the outcome of a fantasy war game based upon fighting squirrels and warrior mice are slim to none. He's at a great school, working hard and preparing himself for a successful future. The fact that he takes any time to deal with people such as you is simply a tribute to his dedication to the ROC Fanbase and willingness to help others enjoy a good time.

That being said:

You are a fool.

I don't understand how "overcoming ignorance" relates to "playing to the best of one's ability." Clearly if someone is playing to the best of their ability, they are already overcoming their ignorance and adapting and evolving with the game.


For an unathletic, friendless highschool kid who has devoted himself to an online game, you're in no position to attack anyone's "social life." Anyone who cares enough to insult an administrator of this game for doing his job clearly doesn't get out to much. The calculator comment was witty though. I'm sure the forum audience was highly amused.

Edited Once For Darkness:

"get a life, i did it for myself, because i knew i coudl do it ,
because i am the best."

In the same sentence you tell an Admin to get a life, you go on to explain that you are the best. I'm assuming you're the kid that gets tormented at schol everyday, probably don't play a sport, and don't have a girl. I'd even venture to guess this is one of the few things in life you are good at- and I commend you for your achievments in Redwall Warlords.  
General Discussion / The Unofficial Best Sig Awards
June 10, 2004, 10:19:14 AM
 Wow! This is almost as cool as Noch's poll.

The whole intent is for John to win and he even made the topic!

I vote for John! I vote for John! I vote for John!

Who's to say John Kerry isn't happy? A pretty poor attempt John.
News / Updates / Titles
June 09, 2004, 08:11:31 AM
 Well let me say then, if that was unnecessary then I'm glad I was able to read these posts:

"Internet Explorer, latest version."


"Angst, your art doesnt show up as a webpage on my thing "

Not only do both of those contribute to the topic about "Titles" but they are thought-provoking, enlightening ideas from John.

Thanks Again!
General Discussion / Saved!!!! or not.
June 09, 2004, 08:07:51 AM
 John needs to join Wolf with the Ubiquitous and Omnipresent titles.

What is:


Propagated maybe?

"I pray for your soul if you think that the majority of the Magisterium are corrupt. You must have some skewed mind frame propogated by the fact that you don't listen to others arguments."

I pray for your soul.

Now doesn't that just strike a chord with non-believers?

John seems to be our resident leading authority on everything from politics to religion, and even movies. Next time remind me to consult you before I go out.
General Discussion / RWL's Greatest Newbie Award!
June 08, 2004, 01:30:12 PM
 Without a doubt the greatest honor Noch will ever recieve in his natural life.


There's something to be proud of-
News / Updates / Titles
June 08, 2004, 01:25:49 PM

Who cares?
News / Updates / The Banning of Blackeyes
June 01, 2004, 09:55:03 PM
 Thanks Veranor.
Turbo Discussion / Real Life Money and Prices
June 01, 2004, 05:54:49 PM
Quote from: Drunkeykk,this game's armies and money should be more realistic.ppl who have like $100 billion,who in the world has $100 billion?this game is about rats,weasels and so animals have $100 billion in their treasury?no they don't!in this game $100,000 should be alot just like in real life not $100 billion.for example rats should be sold for like $20 on the market,weasels $40,stoats $50,and skiffs $100.also ppl owning around 50,000,000 rats?thats a whole country for pete sakes.this game should be more realistic cuz it would way more better.


The armored rat legions and weasel defenses should certainly be more realistic. Why aren't Guard Towers built to scale?

News / Updates / The Banning of Blackeyes
June 01, 2004, 05:51:58 PM
 Josh really isn't very intelligent.

This Blackeyes fellow is amusing. If only his posts were coherent.

Peace, personal insults of Calria lead to unfortunate consequences. Surely you understand.
Polling / This is not an insecurity poll
May 10, 2004, 08:27:21 PM

I missed something.
Polling / This is not an insecurity poll
May 10, 2004, 05:30:22 PM
 This is an insecurity poll.
General Discussion / A Cheer for the Admins
May 10, 2004, 05:27:54 PM
 Why do people start topics like this?
General Discussion / spam
May 10, 2004, 05:25:54 PM
 "summit button?"

"Were it is becoming Gibberish"
