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Messages - RNN Reporter

General Discussion / It would be worth your while
December 19, 2003, 11:19:02 AM
 While we're semi- on the topic of nominating mods, may I ask a few questions?

1. Are we allowed to vote for ourselves?

2. Who are the current nominees, besides Wolf Bite and windhounds?

3. Are people allowed to nominate themselves into the race, or do they have to get someone else to nominate them?

4. Will a poll be started to appoint the new mods, or will the administrators appoint the mod of their choice?

3. Will they even appoint new mods at all, for that matter, or is all this debating for naught?

I respectfully ask a moderator, or administrator to answer these questions in a timely manner.

Also, I would like to say that if it came down to it, my vote would definitely fall in with either Checkerpaw or windhounds.
General Discussion / TR Person!
December 18, 2003, 12:00:46 PM
 Umm...Just a liddle question, but if you have not come back, why on earth where you even browsing the forums? *wants Julie back LOTS*
General Discussion / It would be worth your while
December 18, 2003, 11:59:22 AM
 I can vouch for Checkerpaw in the fact that he's smart, polite, and quite humorous at times. I also would like to politely ask PA to quiet down on the semi-flames, just to keep the debate civil.

Just like to point out an opinion:

QuoteWolf Bite is both opinionated and biased. Anyone involved in that many fights...

I personally think that the number of fights that you are in does not account for how biased or opinionated you are. In my mind, it can also mean that you have the guts to stand up for what you beleive in. Even if what you say is true, you also have been in a great many fights yourself, and therefore have little right to accuse others of the same "crime".