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General Discussion / Last Advice
October 12, 2003, 06:28:23 PM
 pity for the weak and sounds like your weak weak boy! opps i say that why yes i did opps i did it again dang oh well you still stink and thats my thoughts on it :P  :P  :P  :P  :P  :P  :P  :P  :P  
General Discussion / Last Advice
October 12, 2003, 05:28:34 PM
 only way you can beat us is all of ya none of ya have skill to take us on one on one we smoke ya all your all lame usless rats! who need to follow someone cant lead on your own or do your own thing just uless waste of humans
 ypu and i have easliy made over 80 bill in cash and sent out not hard any time i can make that on any given 2 set of turns so thinking we suck is total uncalled for
Turbo Discussion / What... major losses
October 12, 2003, 04:50:34 PM
 ya ok ill go back to my sunday school class now whatever ill spell talk and say as i please after all i havent swore or did anything to make it look other wise all terms i have used are in dictonary or what a 3 yr old would use so to heck with your voc and up tight little ways maybe you should get out more then spending all your sorry time in here on the pc and spend it on the outside with other types of people other then your so called little perfect world you live in what is it a glass house to boot!
 slow i see snails and mail fly faster unreal they call this a game i call it gray hairs waiting to happen unless they have a faster turn raito people will graduate faster then this [edit]
Turbo Discussion / What... major losses
October 12, 2003, 11:22:40 AM
 well spoken dilf and to think there all kids and where here ot defend ourselfs on mere kids lmao i [edit] bigger thing for am bowel movement lmao i dont need this [edit] unreal wannabe cry babbies
Turbo Discussion / What... major losses
October 12, 2003, 09:54:30 AM
 dont make my post different then what i said and if ya cant handle the truth then dont read it or respond to it like all the little children you all are! and dilf i spwak for me i dont speak for him so leave his behind out of it and to make my post look like a grabled piece of [edit] is something you kids do very well so leave my words alone or ask for me to change them not you! all your little puny punk inmautre ways are really starting to get to me, seems all you people do is complain whine and sit in front of a computer screen all dang day and nite most of us have life unlike you! as for dilf i dont speak for him or anyone else i speak for me so please dont throw him in this! ill tell all you how i feel any dang time i wish i dont hold punches and a i and dilf or any other sg'r could wipe this sever out alone we dont need help as you see .go there play us you wont last long i know that ask dilf i can be the worst thing thats came of the gaming world. i know how to kill fast and swift and dilf knows that and i think will respect me for that. i also can be fair if left alone and not badgerd like you all do so well ill just have to open a can of whoop behind in here i see, lift your hit limit and ill show you how to play! you all wont last long! i can bet ya that, youll have so many on me trying to kill me youll quit! i dont go away im like a bad smell in your shoes and will always be there so you all BETTER SLEEP WITH ONE EYE OPEN IM BACK AND ANNOYED

[edit, sorry just changing a few words nothing too bad]
Turbo Discussion / What... major losses
October 11, 2003, 10:11:40 PM
 well hes a tower let me be your friend.... then i guess! just muff his behind and then dont have to worry now do ya
 ya cheap way to play then all you guy cant net then seems to me you all cant play if ya need that kind of help!
 not cocky sorry if it came off like that just we dont play all the time like you all do we play once a day and i see alot of you on all the time when i have time to peek at work or whever i am at i see your people on all the time if we did that dang we be unreal
and for the 2nd part of this we didnt feed of shoot or any one else i didnt i know that and i never aided or had aid i can do this on my own so dont worry there man
 Man oh man what a game I see all SG doing fine and they don't have a lot life on the computer like the rest in here do to do it as well sounds like there far better then most I guess. Seems to me they better get respect not like RWL gave over at other servers thinking they were all that and got it handed to them LMAO we in here didn't brag and still took over wow we're good! I Think LMAO  :lol:  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  ::agrees::  :snicker:  :snicker:  :P

[Edit, there that's better.]
Turbo Discussion / Disabled Empire
October 08, 2003, 08:13:06 PM
 so then if people wanted to be a [edited] they could make two accts take all land and then be disable to make it hard on others hmm sounds not really smart to me but hell this is your sever do it up and play the way ya like ill just take when i fell like it and let ya have it back when im done doing my dirty work muuhhhaaaa SATAN RULES :P  :P  :P  :P  :P  :P  :P  :P  :P  :P  :P  :P

[Substitutes not allowed. Sorry.]
General Discussion / The Beatles Banning
October 04, 2003, 11:06:46 AM
 wow you think of that all on your own whoa you a rocket sceintist :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  
Turbo Discussion / Is promisance attacking US???
October 04, 2003, 09:41:48 AM
 better get a dictionary cause its in there lmao :P  :P  :P  :P  :P  :P  :P  :P

also hmm name calling and flaming ones person i think is not allowed better watch it little man  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:

[No double posting, please.]
Turbo Discussion / Is promisance attacking US???
October 04, 2003, 09:10:34 AM
 [Edit] is in dictonary pepole so its not a bad word look it up jeezz your all idjits!!!!!!!!!!

[edit, so are others words but they are banned here.]