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Messages - BlueJay

General Discussion / Re: New Member
August 31, 2012, 03:12:16 PM
I might post once or twice a week, depending on my schedule, or it might be once or twice a month. I have a pretty big schedule, but I do play the game as often as I can.
General Discussion / Re: New Member
August 30, 2012, 08:56:56 PM
Thanks! I'm not normally the type of person to post on forums and you won't hear, well read, too much from me.
General Discussion / New Member
August 30, 2012, 06:06:08 PM
I'm a little late on doing this, but I'm a new member. Not to the game, I used to play on Turbo all the time, and played Reg for awhile, but my account got hacked, so I had to make a new one. So yeah. I'll be going by Blue Jay on the forums, but on Turbo I'll go by Harayk, and I go by Trayg on the Reg server. So....yeah....