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Messages - Ugnoth

QuoteBut I make this point to lereac: He is just as human as an unborn child.
Wow!  Just how low do pro-life arguments go?  Taking advantage of this kid's death to make an emotional appeal . . . man. ::disagrees::

Besides, that may depend on your definition of human.  If you are defining human as a member of homo sapiens, that has never been the question.  No one's doubting that a fetus is human in that sense.  However, a fetus is not an intelligent being (another possible definition of human), which is the point pro-choice people generally make.

So as to not further derail this topic, could you please reply to this in the abortion topic in the Ultramoderated forum?
Spa Room 101 / Conqerer who???
April 03, 2004, 05:32:44 PM
Quote from: Juby (Tercios)Other: Canada, why? Cause were probably the most liked people around the world and were nice, conquering the world through violence won't work cuase it would literally be impossible to hold onto without massive amounts of killing.
And you're so modest, too!
General Discussion / USA about to declare war.
March 25, 2004, 08:09:17 PM
 And thus bow down and accept the corrupt manner in which taxes were collected in the time.  Jesus was essentially saying that nothing should be done about the way that most tax collectors would collect more taxes than the person in question owed, and kept what was left over for themselves.
General Discussion / USA about to declare war.
March 25, 2004, 03:53:27 PM
Quote from: OrcristI just have to add one more thing to what everyone else has said. First off, I'm a Republican, and, yes, I did support this war, however, I disagree with what is going on right now in Iraq. Bush is trying to establish a democracy in Iraq. This is possibly the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Democracy in a Muslim country will not work. The religion and democracy do not work well together at all. I understand that we are trying to give Iraqi people more freedom, but there are a few problems. First of all, this might seem radical to you, but some Iraqi people don't want any more freedom. These people, orthodox followers of the Islamic faith, feel it is against their religion. Also, what happens if the Iraqi people elect someone whom we don't support? Will we take him out of power too? How will this make the Iraqis feel about us? I think we have to find a different solution.
Right.  So you're saying that we should have gone to war in Iraq, but not attempted to rebuild its government?  What should we have tried to do, then?

QuoteBush is trying to establish a democracy in Iraq. This is possibly the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Democracy in a Muslim country will not work.
Read the Bible.  Read of God crowning kings.  Read of God permitting slavery.  Read of Jesus telling His followers to give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and obey all authority.  Read Luke 19:11-27.  The Bible never comes up with an idea anything like democracy, and never supports such a thing.  And when you're done, read the Koran before you condemn the religion.

Anyway, even if some of the people there oppose democracy, that does not mean that we should ensure that none of them have any chance at having rights.
General Discussion / Bye.
October 31, 2003, 09:48:25 PM
 I really don't think that Peace Alliance being immature is a good reason for you to leave, especially if you've been here a while.  An ultramoderated discussion is always going to have a problem like this, as it's only a matter of time before people abuse it.

And nev, no one betrayed you at terrouge.  None of us were on your side at all, and plenty of us were glad to not have to hear you talk about how much you hate us all and wished you didn't come to that forum.

EDIT: Nev, betraying is when somebody goes from your side to the opposing side in a conflict.  When was Valor on your side?