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Messages - Wapekip

Spa Room 101 / Spam contest
June 30, 2003, 11:15:03 AM
 Watermelon! (Is not an evil fruit, but is on the side of cheese)
Polling / Favorite Redwall Hero
June 30, 2003, 11:12:43 AM
 I completely forgot about that brave warrior.  I love all those brave warriors like Russa Nodrey who give their lives so others could live free.
News / Updates / New mods
June 30, 2003, 09:29:01 AM
 I ment the spam games in the spa room 101 and nowhere else shall they spam unneedlessly.  I shall watch and protect the new mods.
Polling / What do you think of Pikepaw
June 29, 2003, 10:52:20 PM
 I am the person who is made for funness.
Polling / Completely Random post
June 29, 2003, 10:47:06 PM
 I have been said to be able to talk people death.  I've never tried it, no one listens to me long enough except myself but I am amune.
Polling / Favorite Redwall Hero
June 29, 2003, 10:42:44 PM
 The Taggerung all the way.  One, otters and hares are my favorite and two, he is a great fighter and three, he is a character who has new discoveries to make and stuff.  If it wasn't for the Redwall book, The Taggerung that I read I probably would have never read the other books or any Redwall book and wouldn't be here today.  We would all be sad about that, wouldn't we.
General Discussion / Drops in
June 29, 2003, 10:38:13 PM
 I am Pikepaw the mercenary.  The protecter of our two new mods: Teufel and The Lady Shael and I am a faithful assassin for them at no charge.  All must bow before them and I will always carry weapons in these forums from now on.  I made another account.  Welcome back Bloodrath
News / Updates / New mods
June 29, 2003, 10:33:34 PM
 Why was I not made a mod, I would make a good one.  I guess I haven't had as much experince as those great felmale mods.
**Kneels with his head bowed and holds out his mace as he puts his short-sword on the ground infront of Teufels' and Lady Shaels' feet as a sign of submission."  I am yours to command masters.  Pikepaw the Mercenary is at your service with my assassination skills.  I will protect the two new mods with my life and if they get mad at anyone I will torture or kill them acording to their wishes.  **Shelids Shael and Teufel with his body from possible attacks.**  I am now your bodyguard and you can't get rid of me.

Can the new mods still play the spam games like normal?
Spa Room 101 / Spam contest
June 29, 2003, 10:15:37 PM
 Wyaom k.hugygnb 9iplo;n ki
Role-Play / OSU vs. Michigan
June 29, 2003, 10:27:46 AM
 Pikepaw dropped his pike and cut off Jax Arrowpaw.
"I am sorry for what happened and I wish to call ye friend.  You never know who you can trust these days.  Lets say we go to this fortress."  Pikepaw and Ocitnan the Ancient left and walked towards the fortress so they could be seen by anyone on the towers or wall.  They did not know if Jax followed them.
General Discussion / Good Bye
June 29, 2003, 10:16:02 AM
 I am Pikepaw!
Role-Play / OSU vs. Michigan
June 28, 2003, 10:09:21 PM
 "Are you just going to stand there all day ferret or are you going to answer my question!"  Pikepaw yelled at Jax, still pointing his pike.  Ocitnan watched, keeping a look out for foes.

OOC: What are guys doing, lazing around.  Brock you better answer me or I will be forced to commit auto.
General Discussion / Rps
June 27, 2003, 11:52:00 PM
 Little war and violence in an rp, that is crazy; crazier than Ashrya has been at her craziest moment.  I think that indiveduals like different things, I sometimes like killing barbies because they are evil (that is all they are good for).  This is basically a thing to make more people rp here, there is a great rp going on right now and we need people to post on it.  (RazorClaws' rp)  I am sick of seeing rps die and I am not going to let any more die so easily.
Spa Room 101 / Stranded on an island...
June 27, 2003, 11:44:25 PM
 You kill a pig with a javelin you made with the knife.  Skin it and then use the leather to make a ball and stuff it with dry grass.  That would be a good volleyball.
Spa Room 101 / Girls
June 27, 2003, 11:42:13 PM
 It is the poke wars!  **Gets the javelins he made tonight (which also double as mashmellow/hot dog cookers) and pokes peoples eyes out.**  This is fun and really safe.