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Messages - scotish223332

Development / Re: Just some Simulation ideas
February 22, 2012, 07:30:15 PM
Thanks  ;)

I'm Hurb Ratbane for now.

Hmmmmm, well that explains a lot. I though the ships were usually galleys rather, but I guess that answers most questions.
Danks, me hearty.
Development / Just some Simulation ideas
February 22, 2012, 04:49:49 PM
I'm really enjoying this text-based game more then I should be, but there are some things important to Redwall lore that would be interesting to think about;

Weaponry; Different weapons would have different effects on certain creatures, as seen such as long range bows or the low range javelins. Possibly sub-race weaponry that counter certain vermin?
Woodlanders; The woodlanders are by far usually the arch enemies of Vermin. I find it interesting that there are just usually non to be found, fight against, or in other words enslave. Enslaving is always a nice thing for a warlord, yes? Captives, prisoners, and slaves are a major part in the series, but I don't know how it would work in this nice ol' game.
Sea Combat; Cosiars and pirates are a hot topic in most Redwall lore, usually being major villains. It would be nice to own a small fleet to battle in sea battles, just wondering.

If any of you could spot out ideas on how these 3 things could work, I would love to hear them myself :/.
General Discussion / Re: Redwall Video Game bosses.
February 21, 2012, 05:00:06 PM
General Ironbeak. . .

. . .1 hit kill. Easiest boss fight if there was a game.
Help / Bugs / Help Page Problems.
February 21, 2012, 04:58:04 PM
The help page on the regular server is broken, sending me to a blank page saying it's some kind of error.

I would be grateful if it was fixed :/.