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Messages - Startail the Wise

General Discussion / Re: Redwall The video Game
November 08, 2011, 11:44:56 AM
I'm kinda divided on the gunpowder ting. For one I think it would make an interesting addition to the Redwall universe, but at the same time it's just kinda not Redwall.

Beyond that, a Redwall MMORPG could be interesting, but I'm not sure how well it would work. Redwall isn't about just killing and fighting, it's about a good story. If you could find a way to get the feel of the redwall word and make non-violent options available, that could be good. Unfortunately most people who play MMO's only care about getting to the next level.

On a side note, what would people think of a RTS? Maybe take control of the Long Patrol in an original story. 
General Discussion / Re: Doctor Who
November 08, 2011, 11:37:33 AM
I'm a huge fan of the show and actually dressed up as the 11th for a Halloween party. Has anyone else seen that Rory GIF?
Role-Play / Re: The First RWL- Signup
November 08, 2011, 10:50:56 AM
Mind if I join?

Startail (Before he became the Startail the Wise.)

Age: 21 seasons

Species: Fox

Gender: Male

Height: 6ft 1

Fur color: Silvery gray with darker patches on the face.

Eye color: Black

Clothing: Light leather armor and a long blue cloak over it.

Weapons: A large two headed war axe and some hidden daggers.

Strengths: Intelligent, cautious and strong.

Weaknesses: A little to trusting at times and viewed as too soft for a true horde leader. Often ignores practical advice to purse his own ideas. 

Background: Was the younger son of the Grayfur clan's leader, making him more or less prince. His father became ill and was slain as he slept by Stairtail's older brother, who pinned the deed on him. Forced to flee for his life, he stole the family battle axe and ran south, to Mossflower. He swore to one day return, avenge his father and claim his inheritance. 

Quirks: Has a flair for the dramatic.

Other: A bit more noble than most vermin, but not without his faults. He always keeps his word, but rarely gives it.
General Discussion / Re: Introduction
November 07, 2011, 06:07:10 PM
Hey there, nice to meet you Tagg. I'm a new player here as well, so it's nice to know I'm not alone.
General Discussion / Introduction
November 07, 2011, 06:03:02 PM
Hi there, I'm Startail the Wise. (#553) I've been a longtime Redwall fan and had heard about this game before but just now found it. Anyway, I'm off to find fame and fortune (virtual fame and fortune that is) so God bless!