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Messages - Mhera

Spa Room 101 / My accounts
June 25, 2003, 11:54:22 PM
 Nope, you're both wrong.  I am Brock
Role-Play / Island Roleplay
June 22, 2003, 10:43:03 PM
 Mhera fought but the strength of the ferret-rat was too strong.  She saw the dagger inches above her head, she managed to gasp out a single sentence with her ragged breathing.  She said, "All your base are belong to us."  This sentence greatly confused the two former slaves, buying her enough time to slip out of Zanaet's chokehold, but she was too slow.  The two were making their moves, Zanaet caught her and brought her back in the chokehold while Brock made his move that ended Mhera's reign of terror on innocent people.
Role-Play / Island Roleplay
June 20, 2003, 05:31:39 PM
 Mhera had taken Snat, the large rat, and a weasel mercenary out to find Redwall Abbey and scout it out.  They could see it from afar once they found the dirt path.  They went up to it and circled the abbey, looking for a possible way in.  Whoever had built the battlements knew what they were doing.  Mhera signalled to the weasel and they went to the main gate, leaving Snat behind to try and climb the wall.  

Knock.  Knock.  Knock.  Mhera's paw rapped against the door.  Moments later a mouse's head popped up over the battlements.  "Who goes there?  Are you friend or foe?"  the mouse said.

Mhera smiled sweetly and said, "Oh little mouse, we are but poor hungry travellers, won't you take us in to feed us, and perhaps give us a good night's rest?"  

Meanwhile, Snat was up over the wall, for he was the best rat climber ever born.  He jumped down and unlocked one of the side doors and went out that door.  He went back to where Mhera and the weasel were and said, "Mhera, we shouldn't waste this good mouse's time.  Come let's go back and find our own food by the river."  

The three left to go back to the ship and gather the rest of the vermin.  They were halfway back when they saw a movement behind a tree.  Snat ran ahead and came back with one of the mice that was once a slave.  "Hey Mhera, isn't this old mouse one of your slaves?"

"Yes Snat, I do believe it is... Kill him."  Snat broke the old mouse's back as though it were no more than a stick.

The three vermin ran back to the ship to see what was going on.  
Role-Play / Island Roleplay
June 19, 2003, 03:26:36 PM
 Ooc:  Oh yeah.  I'm a ferret, stronger than most female ferrets, scars on right leg from being attacked by a pike, loves the sound of screaming slaves.

Mhera brought the two new slaves back to her ship but then went back to the castle to look it over.  It could work but she would have to stay on the island with her slaves to fix it up.  She decided to sail back to the mainland for she had heard of a wonderful abbey there in Mossflower woods.  That would be her kingdom and she could rule all the land.  With an evil laugh she turned back to the ship and chained the two new prisoners to an oar belowdecks.
Role-Play / Island Roleplay
June 19, 2003, 12:10:42 AM
 Allright I guess I'll join.

Mhera Blackfur is evil.  She travels from place to place looking for slaves or a kingdom to rule.  She has an army of 1000 rats and some mercenaries.  She has a short sword as her weapon and her ship is called Gutripper.  She has over 100 oarslaves already but is always looking for more.

Mhera pointed at a small blotch on the horizon.  "See Snat, land.  Set a course straight for it.  We should get there by tomorrow."

"Yes Cap'n Mhera."  

The next day the ship pulled up at the beach where Brock and Zanaet were only a day before.  Mhera saw the signs and new that there was life on this island.  Mhera took a scouting party to follow the tracks of the wolf and the ferret-rat.  Dusk fell but she could see the castle that would be hers in only a few days.  She went back to the rest of her army and prepared for a takeover.  They arrived at the castle the following night.  Like a shadow, Mhera slipped through the rotten old gate.
Spa Room 101 / Logs
June 11, 2003, 03:41:39 PM
 Oh boy!  I wanna try!  *dies from heart attack before fire was lit*

General Discussion / Regular Server on the fritz
June 11, 2003, 03:40:10 PM
 I doubt it but if it was you then I shall have to kill you.  I need to put it on vacation mode because I'm leaving for a few days in about 5 minutes.  *Whaps people with two-by-fours*
Spa Room 101 / Logs
June 11, 2003, 03:37:08 PM
 *Plays with sticks, then pokes out eye.*

*Clubs people with logs.*

*Chokes on handful of twigs.*

*Falls down from a tree.*

We need something more safe... like cheese. *chokes on moldy blue cheese*

How about, big pointy swords.  Can't find anything dangerous with those.
General Discussion / Do you believe in ghosts?
June 09, 2003, 11:59:12 PM
Quote from: ScarwakeNo, I'm not suggesting anything...I'm telling you I see dead people!! *points to the body of Cindrian whose head was ripped off* SEE!!!
LOL!  *Pokes Cindarin with a pointy stick*

Polling / a BETTER music poll
June 09, 2003, 09:56:38 PM
 I picked classical because it's the only one worth listening to that I know of.  I haven't heard of Weezer.
General Discussion / Harry Potter
June 09, 2003, 06:46:28 PM
 Well yeah but Fred and George were gonna use it for there joke shop and stuff.  Dress robes don't cost much but a decent broom would take a lot of money and Fred and George wouldn't just give Ron 1000 galleons.
 It's still pretty new.  I'm sure they will make more games soon.  I think it's pretty good but it's tied with RWL.
General Discussion / Harry Potter
June 09, 2003, 02:03:53 PM
 He'd take it if it was a Christmas present or a birthday present.
Polling / Which is Better
June 09, 2003, 01:18:33 AM
 I voted techno because I actually know what it is.  What is reggae anyways?
General Discussion / Harry Potter
June 07, 2003, 10:27:44 PM
 Well if Ron were on the team what would he be?  Oh and aren't those school brooms supposed to be really bad.  Perhaps he could get his hands on some extra money...