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Messages - Philemon Pikesmith

General Discussion / Hello, God! Are you there?
June 21, 2003, 07:06:22 AM
 I agree with Holby.  Mostly,

Jews believe in God- they folow the Old Tesment, and some think Jesus Christ is a good prophet but not the Son of God.

Christians, like Roman Catholics and Protestants (Epscopals, Lutherans, and all them) believe that same Jewish God sent his Son Jesus to die fr are sins.  Now we dont have to sacrifce lambs abd stuff  ::cries::

Wiccans worship Satan  ::disagrees::  and reject God and Jesus

Pagans, is a gneral word for a big motorcycle gang, or people not a part of the Jewish or christian families.

Haing Wiccans and christians at the same gathering is like having Washington Redskins and Dallas Cowboy fans at the same game.  Neither understands why the other likes their team.

In the end, it seems to be all about power.  True chrisitans live in God's power, Wiccans try to use Satan's power.
General Discussion / Love hurts
June 20, 2003, 07:13:07 AM
 It makes me said to read it to.  I'm sorry you were sad.

Seems like a imposible situation to be in, loving one who hurts you.  Like motorcycle riding through Mossflower Woods, lovely to do but the low haning branches hurt.

~scratches chin thotfuly~  the nice thing is that love is realy a choice of my will.  I can will to love or not to.  So if I get hurt when its not my fault, I can enjoy another person.  God has created to many images of himself around me for me to ignore them for someone or thing that hurts me. :D
General Discussion / Hello, God! Are you there?
June 13, 2003, 06:05:16 AM
Being a Christian is about being in love with a God who gave his life for you and me.  God is jealous of His Glory and likes to be praised, (sounds resonable to me).  <3
The reson I go to church is to join the family of other believers in giving God (and Jesus) the worship He desires.  It's also a place where I can cheer on other beleivers, and get pumped up myself.  

Giligan's Island is a cool show!  I just don't know why they don't lock Giligan up while they are making their getaway machines.  Leave without him, and then send the Coast Gard to get him.    :D  
General Discussion / What are your oppinions?
June 02, 2003, 01:15:05 PM
 Internet dating sounds funny.  I find that people are more transparent that they think on the internet.  It is very easy to see the values someone holds.  Are they honest, trustworthy, and friendly?  Or are they deceitful and distructing of others?  

Each of us has formed some opinnions of others here, often based only on our written words.  I'd like to think there is much that we can learn about each other, similar to the face-to-face process of courting.  

So, internet dating  ::disagrees::  naw, but I can learn alot about human nature.   :D