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Messages - Orton The Wolf

#55 thraisin supposedly he disabled his own account
Reg Discussion / Warlord kills and Dead Man's city.
March 25, 2011, 06:03:01 PM
So recently my clan and I have gone to war, and one thing lead to another and we ended up killing another Warlord. I was there to take the final breath from the victim and somewhat "claimed" the killer tittle. I was then searching the clan crier and the thought came to me, "was I the only player who'd killed another?" I checked all the info pages (CREEPER) and noticed that everyone except the admins have no kills. So, bringing me to my first point of order, am I the only Non-admin player who has killed or is there one I overlooked?
Second is this; while I was searching warlord info I noticed a player who recently abandoned and saw one of my cities one their page. As they are now dead and have no land then the acres were obviously released. But this also means that noone can reclaim the city? Aparently any city held by a deactivated player would (in a role-player's point of veiw) now be a ruin. And I know the only point of stealing a city is for the acres and their acting buildings, but now the name of the city is lost and can't be won back or stolen again correct?