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Messages - big bad rat man

General Discussion / Shocking discovery
May 17, 2003, 04:10:21 PM
 Yes, I will admit it- I am big bad rat man... also known as Lady Calria Ulloa.

I'm sorry if I caused anyone too much annoyance or made anyone angry. I missed being on the forums after a few days, and it occured to me that maybe I could show you all how annoying a horrible newb can be to me, so I used every single pet peev and annoying trait I could think of. *sigh* I told Aus what I was doing, and he copied me. Then, Ashyra joined in it. We talked to Retto about it, and he didn't seem to mind, so I figured it was alright. It didn't occur to me that it might be truley offensive to anyone. I'm very sorry that it ended up being so, and I want to apologize for any anger or annoyance my immature experiment caused, especially to Ad, who is genuinely annoyed, and with good reason.

I'm sorry, and I'm coming back now as myself...

~love and tears~
Lady Calria Ulloa
 man i red wat she postd lick n im soooooo gladd she letf b4 i got on her bcuz i rely thnik she wuz men u no i tink seh wuz rel men evn menr thun u ppl
n u mustt b liein abut makin 3 mlil a turn cuz i olny mak abut 400 thuzand n i hav sooo muhc land n stuf!
 yah if u pik on mah bruthr u pick on meh n i hav mor than u cn deel wit so git on trubo n i wil mak u wish u wuld shutttt up know!
 yah mah bruthr is gud 2 so dun mes wit us cuz we is da bom.
i bin playion 4 3 daze i ent no newbie whatevr. meby mah bruthr iz sinse he just got her butt im not!!!!!!!!1!!1!!!
Strategy / Strategies
May 16, 2003, 01:49:57 PM
 lick i sed b4 i m not a newwb i m rel gud n i bet i cn kill u rel gud if i wnat 2
 yah u only hva 40-sumpin poostz so u r knew 2 so u r bnieg stoopd!!!1!1111!!!!!!!@
 i m numr 91 on trubo. im rel gud i hav lotz uv stuf
 wel he inslutted meh so i cn say watevr i wnat 2 him ok?
an i m not a 'newb' or watevr u ppl cal that i am gud at rwl. rel gud.
Strategy / Strategies
May 16, 2003, 01:36:33 PM
 i just atack ppl a bucnh n hope thy dun attak meh bakc
 then shut upp! u ned 2 git a life.,;
 u're stupid. nobpody carez how i type. u cn undrestand meh, kant u?
 i lick it. u shold post more peotry on here. everybody shold.
General Discussion / A good run
May 16, 2003, 12:59:43 PM
 evn tho i dun know u, bye.