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Messages - yankerr007

Help / Bugs / Re: attack vs defence
April 01, 2011, 04:04:05 AM
I just checked it:
I attacked free land with one and half mega rats. 

But rats is the only kind of troops I had. 

And guess what?
I won. But took only small chop of free land land. 
50 arch to max 100

When I tried the same attack type.
Gurilla strike but capture leaders instead of drive. 
It seems to work fine.

How is it calculated ?

Please tell me...

With examples...
Help / Bugs / Re: attack vs defence
April 01, 2011, 01:31:20 AM
Don't get me wrong
I like this game

Bt please polish the instruction
Help / Bugs / Re: attack vs defence
March 31, 2011, 06:06:00 PM
i am a bit disappointed,

I see that the team is working hard on putting new excited things into the turbo

and at the same time, doing nothing with the game help text which is critical
for recruitting new players to the game, and to keep them in.

i think i'm out to travians...

what is it with you guys?

you have 30 ppl in a round in a perfect game

now can anyone tell me,
is in any non magical attack type, my entire defence points matters?

lets say i have 1000000 weasels (fantastic defence)
and someone come to attack me with 15000 Rats
and i too have 15000 Rats
in the end he kicks me because it's 30000 attack points vs only 15000 defence points??

Help / Bugs / attack vs defence
March 31, 2011, 05:39:52 PM
hi, my name is Yaniv and I'm new here.
there are two possibilities: either I just need to learn more of English
or is it written blurred in purpose.

you tell me:

"When you choose an attack, it will put "points" for that troop type into the enemy defense. Then, the actual amount of enemy defense is determined as the points for that group divided by the total points for that troop type...times the total amount of troops for that troop type (TotalTroop?*GroupTroopPoints?/TotalTroopPoints?)

To better understand how the points are apportioned, an overview of the attack types.

1 point for each troop type. You cannot loose land while attacking.
Vs. Rats
10 points for rats.
Vs. Weasels
10 points for weasels.
Vs. Stoats
10 points for stoats.
Vs. Skiffs
10 points for skiffs.
1 point for each troop type. 20% Chance of a 20% bonus to offensive points, 80% chance of 30% bonus to losses. ""

now i will chot it to pieces:
"When you choose an attack, it will put "points" for that troop type into the enemy defense"
now lets say that I'm choosing to attack only with Rats, and I have 15000 of them,
now rats base points are: 1 for defence and 2 for offence.
now in order to calculate my attack strength I take the total amount of my Rats and multipy it with Rats basic attack points which is 2
so in this case, I attack with 15000*2=30000 attack points.

now in order to calculate the defence points of my enemy I have to put some points into that enemy defence
which means that the Enemy defence is not simply 15000*1(base Rats defence power)=15000
(haa, I forgot to mension that in my example me and my enemy have the same amount of Rats... ;))

so because I don't know what is my enemy defence power,I go to the Bible, and I quote

"the actual amount of enemy defense is determined as the points for that group divided by the total points for that troop type...times the total amount of troops for that troop type (TotalTroop?*GroupTroopPoints?/TotalTroopPoints?) "

but what are "points for that grup??"
again, gone to the text:

"10 points for rats. "

points for that group=10, yippe..

but it's not getting easier:

i have to take this 10 points for rats and divide them by:
" points for that group (10)divided by the total points for that troop type"

ok ok.. total points for that troop type..mmm.ok..I think i got it..
it must be the total points of the defence of my enemy..
the enemy troop type is Rat and rats have 1 defene points for each rat..:
so math again..
10(points for rats) /15000(one defence point for each Rat)

now mulipy the result we got by:
"times the total amount of troops for that troop type"
and horray!!!, we have the whole math: 10/15000=6.66...
times 15000 (total amount of troops for Rats) =6.66*15000=

99900 is the enemy defence power!!!!!

i surly die with my 30000 attack power. :( :( :( >:(

lets try another option:

say we have to give 10 bunus points for every rat the enemy has. like: 10*15000 (10 points for each of the enemy rat)=150000
now lets divide this number by 15000 which is the real defence of rats (1*15000) points we will get a nice little number:
10 TEN

and run to the text again:
"...times the total amount of troops for that troop type "
yes, it must be 15000!.. yippe..
now lets multipy 15000 by 10...


this enemy is unbeatable!!!

or am i too stupid?

and how many towers do i need to max my defence?
if i have 15000 rats?

I am almost sure that this game's mechanic is blure in purpose.
and still, not so confidence in my english
maybe i got it wrong.

now we have to multipy our little ten by "total troop"
Polling / What makes this game so good?
March 16, 2011, 03:46:23 PM
I think it's the turns sys