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Messages - Flamerose

 I guess a better question would be how long until a warlord is considered 'abandoned'?
 Thanks for clearing that up, Retto. But could you somehow limit it to 2/3 players that log in after the vote is started? That way all active members will see the poll.
 Unfortunately, this won't make it past the third step. Retto's requirement for 2/3 active players 'yes' vote is impossible to fulfill.  Maybe 1/3 of the 'active registered players' are still actually playing the game. And then about 1/3 of those are active on the forum. And how many of those will vote for a reset? A meagre number in comparison to Retto's definition of an active player.

It looks to me that Retto's just stalling because HE doesn't want a reset. Which is fine, he's the boss, but he should just come out and say so rather than setting some ludicrous requirement.
General Discussion / Concerned Player
April 26, 2003, 05:19:42 PM
 Um, I'm on vacation due to final exams and a weird glitch in the game... don't know about Evord but I imagine it's the same case.
 Yay admins! We appreciate your efforts  :D

Though some folks do complain, don't ignore constructive criticism. I just want to see the game improve even further and allow everyone to enjoy it!

I did this pic a while ago, but this seems like a good place to post it. Warlords Fanart!

News / Updates / More Regulating
April 21, 2003, 09:33:58 PM
 Hrm, it seems that there are specific players that both Split Helix and I are unable to attack. It always says 'too many recent attacks', though in fact they haven't been attacked for over 12 hours!  :blink:  
Strategy / Did you know?
April 19, 2003, 12:52:22 PM
 That's happened to me, too! I think if they have none of the unit you're attacking with, but tons of guards, then the attack succeeds but with no loss or gain.
General Discussion / Reset?
April 17, 2003, 08:14:59 PM
 Working your way up to the top is part of the fun! :D  
General Discussion / Reset?
April 17, 2003, 08:09:08 PM
 I like the idea of a reset. It seems that a lot of players have abandoned the regular server. All the better if you can incorporate it into a story :3
Polling / Best clan crier
April 06, 2003, 11:03:28 AM
 I didn't realize anybody else read the tater crier :o

Ah well, 'tis gone now anyway...