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Messages - The Bruce

So what are citys?
How much deff does one get from towers?
How much resourses do cirtain units consume?
Thx greater warlords for the help.
The Bruce
General Discussion / Re: Hey, im here.
July 04, 2009, 03:38:19 PM
alright, now that my economy is steady, im ready for troop building.  but what info do i have to build on...rat=attack, weazle=deff, stoat=few but good, skiff=navy, we have any stats for these units?
General Discussion / Re: Hey, im here.
July 04, 2009, 02:57:30 PM
Lol, thx for the welcome.
General Discussion / Re: Hey, im here.
July 03, 2009, 11:25:58 PM
ok thx.  that stuff seems prety important.
General Discussion / Re: Hey, im here.
July 03, 2009, 07:28:28 PM
sry but can you be a bit more specific.  i saw the feast mission, what does that do?  and how does it hurt other empires and who will it hurt every one or just one particular person.  if im getting on any ones nerves sry, but the guild doesnt explain much in these regards.
General Discussion / Re: Hey, im here.
July 03, 2009, 06:39:44 PM
thx, wow 1 every 10 minutes! slow.  oh well.  thx for the help with buildings and loyalty.  so what do the missions do?  is there a difference between missions from the warlord tent and the general tent?  sry for the questions, but i like to know whats avalible to do.
General Discussion / Re: Hey, im here.
July 03, 2009, 06:18:49 PM
oh yeah, and why arent there any highland squirls in this place.  they should at least be mercinaryies.  and while were at it where are all the other non-evil buggers we should plunder?
General Discussion / Hey, im here.
July 03, 2009, 06:16:56 PM
hi all.
im new to the game and ive got lots of questions.  one, how long does it take to get a turn?  two, what the heck do the buildings (other than markets, foragers, huts, and baraks) do and are they worth building?   three, what does loyalty do?  four, why didnt you explain all tis stuff in the guild?
thats all for now but once these are answerd i'll ask more.
Thx Older Players,
The Bruce (King of Scots)