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Messages - Xenobi

General Discussion / A Cheer for the Admins
April 27, 2003, 01:17:36 PM
 Hip hip hooray! Go admins! Prevent josh from playing redwall ever again :P Naw j/k I enjoy playing against him.
General Discussion / Heartbroken
March 24, 2003, 07:42:49 PM
 long story...u dont wanna know....had a little bit of misunderstanding with her
General Discussion / Heartbroken
March 24, 2003, 06:13:50 AM
 sorry guys, i wish i could make up my mind, but im now un-heartbroken  :lol:  
General Discussion / Heartbroken
March 23, 2003, 04:09:15 AM
 Sigh....only a few days after posting and its already happened to me.....she dumped me for some guy thats gonna last a week, and refuses to talk to me. I did nothing, she just ripped my heart out.
 ah shadow, howd ya figure it out? told you i wasnt josh
General Discussion / Heartbroken
March 20, 2003, 06:41:30 PM
 hopefully it doesnt happen to me....
General Discussion / Enough is Enough
March 20, 2003, 06:37:29 PM
 happy now? theres my aim screen name
 thanks ereptor, even though you did break me, someone believes that im not josh....
 Heh, none of you would touch me when you though I was josh. As soon as I come and prove...err.....say (since some people dont believe me) that I am Radicals of guys all the sudden grow the balls to attack me. Real smooth, just proves that your all scared of Josh.
General Discussion / Enough is Enough
March 20, 2003, 03:37:59 PM
 This would be all over if people would shut up and realize josh doesnt play on this server anymore. I talk to him on a daily basis, and i know for a fact that he doesnt cheat. Look, its my account, now shut up.
General Discussion / Enough is Enough
March 19, 2003, 11:10:19 PM
 lol....just because i dont talk on the forums means that josh has my account?
wow...people come up with stupid stuff. just because im friends with josh doesnt mean you have to badmouth my some research and talk to people before you talk...morons
General Discussion / First Decree as Emperor
March 17, 2003, 11:39:25 PM
 rob > you
lol josh..i could so mess with you right now....but you know my secret....i gotta watch it  
General Discussion / USA about to declare war.
March 17, 2003, 10:57:12 PM
Quote from: TSR

Another thing that popped up is this. No Scud missile ever reached Israel during the Gulf War, so don't talk about these things Bloody, when over half of them aren't true.

Actually, thats where your wrong. A few scud missles did reach Isreal during the gulf war, i think it was only two though and the us tried to keep it concealed. But, these secrets leaked out and eventually to the general public
 1)Danielle is fat and you know it (lol j/k bro)
2)It was Zid's idea first for Donna to join
3)Never have land? i had 45k land last night on the normal server, and i could be in the top 10 if i wasnt disabled.
4) Your gonna die
5) Your gonna die
6) its exactly 16v16
 Hi, im The Radicals of Nygrak. Josh (Tarsonis) has been a friend of mine for a year and a half, and we've always been on the same clans in Redwall. Now, were on opposite teams to see if we can take eachother on. Thats just fine but i have 2 problems.

1) My friend Chris(Mystical Penguins of Doom (#22)) was on my team. You switched him to RWL. Me and chris were gonna see if we could take down Josh because hes always been better at us at this game. I was hoping mabye you could switch him back to TSR and switch someone else over to RWL.

2) Another friend that Chris and I were going to teach to play this game (She REALLY hates josh) was The Sexy Angels.  You may have deleted her account or disabled it or something, mabye she deleted it. If you did disable it, could you please explain why?


*Edit* I just figured out why she was deleted. You guys got the teams already. darn, told her to sign up earlier. And if you cant change Chris back to TSR, I might as well quit, since none of my friends are on my team and I can't handle Josh AND Chris cuz they will both go for me.