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Messages - MantisMan

 WOOHOO!  You've definitely earned the right to put General in front of your name since you've almsot graduated from Middle School.
General Discussion / blade stats.
March 28, 2003, 05:10:21 PM
 He does have a point, several people pointed out that if he were to leave NAZ he wouldn't be attacked so much, so he would be probably where he is right now, fighting just like the rest of us to rid the world of eveil tyrants.
 I'm just wondering how many people in these forums are past the 7th grade................
General Discussion / Nazgul
March 28, 2003, 05:00:47 PM
 I agree, I must also support the fact that he is a cool guy in real life.
General Discussion / Kilk back down.
March 28, 2003, 04:58:54 PM
 Indeed, since the longest living form of communication along with actually speaking is writing.  That's how we preserve things, stories, history, events.  It's also how we express ourselves, our ideas, beliefs, convictions.  In such light, you can tell a lot about a person from what they write and how they write it.
General Discussion / Kilk back down.
March 27, 2003, 08:12:25 PM
General Discussion / Kilk back down.
March 27, 2003, 07:54:03 PM
 Of course I realize I was complaining about YOUR post.  I wasn't, however, complaining about you spamming, I'd never do that, it's my avatar's name after all.
General Discussion / Free Figheters ?
March 27, 2003, 07:50:03 PM
 How bout we just concentrate on comparing our Mossflower world to Star Wars.  Ereptor is the Death Star, Naz are the little TIE Fighters, and the rest of us are the X-wings and Y-wings.  We even have two Death Star destructions going for us.
General Discussion / Reward Fund
March 27, 2003, 07:43:18 PM
 What about NAZ kills before these two that are left?  What about those people who took out Legion and Dark Rider?
 Man Razor, this is the second topic I've found you on edge.

2nds the vote for Razor getting one of those balls you squeeze in your hand.
General Discussion / Kilk back down.
March 27, 2003, 07:32:07 PM
 Razorclaw, do you have any idea what you're talking about?  I said lame, because that's all that I could think of after reading Darkness' post right before my own.  Now I can't believe you've forced me to defend my one-liner post.  Do you enjoy complaining about other people's posts? does it make you sleep better at night?  Next time please accuse someone other than the person who only posted once in the topic of spaming.  Or was it my avatar that inspired you?
Clans / Deliverence of Asking
March 27, 2003, 10:48:17 AM

Why is it that darkness can never make light go away, that whenever light is brought into a dark room the darkness is forced to flee?  Now why is that do you wonder?

*pulls out new lava lamp he got for his birthday*
 If all of you only knew...............
General Discussion / Kilk back down.
March 27, 2003, 10:41:40 AM
General Discussion / Free Figheters ?
March 27, 2003, 10:38:22 AM
 You know what's funny, is that if we follow the storyline, the good guys win.  In fact, it always seems to be that way.  Every tyrant has been dethroned throughout history.  It's kinda redundant if you ask me trying to take over the world (or a large portion of it).  In light of the trends in history you might as well give in Ereptor, statistics are against you.