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Messages - rockpaw

relight the fire....people are still posting here...MORE, MORE, MORE *continues chanting until knocked off feet by....a pancake*
Reg Discussion / Re: Feng Kenstrel
April 28, 2008, 08:27:29 PM
Quote from: Alazar is Back on April 24, 2008, 02:13:07 PM

Its generally a good idea to read through the whole topic rather than the last few posts. If you online people and steal and sack constantly then you will have no allies and that is a bad thing. It is almost impossible to do good in this game if you have everyone pissed off at you all of the time.

I read through the entire topic several times, but you're right, it's not good to have everyone pissed off at you all the time  *thinks about that*  man that would suck
Reg Discussion / Re: Wise Claw?
April 23, 2008, 11:20:22 PM
eh, vixenclan is doing pretty well.  Feng's been trying to teach me to play the game.  I joined as Northius the Shadow, and am still lost.
Reg Discussion / Re: Feng Kenstrel
April 23, 2008, 11:01:29 PM
back to the point...

this is a war game, and a vermin war game at that.  In all the Redwall books, vermin are treacherous, evil, resourceful, and they don't play by the rules.  Well, even though we have to follow certain rules, why should we follow a rule that's not even an official rule?  It might not be courteous to online people, but vermin aren't courteous, right?