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Messages - Craby

Reg Discussion / Re: The Diary of Sir Percival Blakeney
November 12, 2007, 12:50:10 AM
I got my picture taken with the top clan!  I immediately leaned in when I heard them say ?smile.?

I was the top ranked player who is not in the League when the photograph was taken, but I have sent some wagons out in aid after that. Greatly lower net now.

To be sure everyone understands, no aid has left my farms to anyone over 20,000,000 Net worth. I am not helping anyone in this conflict.  Bizarrely that Percy guy did send over a large bag of gold to my cabin over a week ago with a note on it that read, ?Feed the poor and give them enough money so they can buy their first wooden sword, and some day they will challenge me, take this gift to pass to the needy.?

This is not saying that the League is sponsoring my gifts, even such a large bag was gone in 3 days.

Reg Discussion / Re: Some things never change
October 25, 2007, 03:28:00 PM
The warlord has been out in his fields for a week with his large army of mercenaries stopping on his turnips with no sign of the silly boys.  A crumbled note arrives that reads that the tribe will no longer attack the lands of the warlord for any other reason than he has higher land than those around him.  A truce.  The warlord sends a note to the tribe to remind them that he is allied with just about everyone else in the game and if they break it, he will do more than just the warning shots he had been doing.

He tells his mercenaries to head off to the Obliterator?s land to make up for the murdering  the warlord had done to one that ended up being innocent of any wrong doing.

Much thanks to those that stood behind him.

To date wagons have been sent to 16 newcomers to town, 5 more people are about to stake a claim, and another 5 can be seen in the far distance.  As the warlord plows his fields he thinks ?Who knows, if the tribe keeps the truce I may just send them some wagons too.?
Reg Discussion / Re: Some things never change
October 20, 2007, 10:40:11 AM
The trivial battle still continues regardless of the warlord sending many chivalrous letters to the silly boys about a truce.  The warlord thinks to himself that those boys just don?t understand that they can?t kill him.  ?All they do is waste their turns when they could be bettering themselves,? the warlord mutters.  With a few magic words, half the armies and half gold of the silly boys is gone in a moment. ?Will they never learn not to pick on people they think are weak??

Looking over his accounting, the warlord figures he has sent over 6 billion gold and 1 billion food to the new comers to town.  ?Is this all worth it?? he questions.  He looks at the town?s population and sees that many travelers have decided to stay.  This is because they had the economics to become happy in a new place.  Looking down the road, he notices wagons of more moving in.  ?My plan is working,? he smiles.  ?My donations must increases with all the new people.?

What to do about the silly boys trying to stop him?  ?Just rocks they can throw, nothing that can hurt me.  Next time they try to trespass on my land, let them meet my freshly hired armies,? he laughs.

Reg Discussion / Re: A tragic beginning
October 12, 2007, 09:47:05 PM
A letter is sent.

Alas, I had seen you lying in the road bloody and beaten.  Attempts to send you land backfired.  Apologies for any discomfort I may have caused with the pounding I did on your chest to try to keep your heart beating.  Unfortunate to hear some beast walked by to take the indiscriminate death blow.

This does make us brothers in arms, the perpetrator of your murder is in the clan that has declared war upon my lands. 

Reg Discussion / Re: Some things never change
October 12, 2007, 04:45:00 PM
(Regular may liven up with all these oldies returning. LOL)

The warlord returns half a day later after delivering over a billion gold to charities to find his land again raided.  This time down to 1,700 acres. 

The tribe had responded to the warlord that never was there a war declared, it be simply a fluke that three hordes in the same clan independently decided that the warlord?s land was needed to feed their young.  The tribe claims that gaining as little as 11 acres per attack is a worthy use of their days!  The land farm?s land is all dirt after all and it be not worth it for them to get ten times the land when the warlord?s little land is so green and ripe.  There be no correlated effort from the tribe. Such a thought is ridiculous to consider.  Even as they send letters as to the warlord?s misunderstanding of the circumstances, the tribe is only accidentally making an attack from one of their accounts each hour as the warlord becomes unmaxed.  It would be undue for the warlord to take such action as personal and there is no reason to retaliate.  How dare the warlord believe the young hordes to be anything but honest in their words?

The attempts made to remain nonviolent have been ??
Ignoring the attacks
Sending courteous mail
Sending steadfast warnings
Showing might and ability
Making a clan extensive assault
Taking the matter to the public tribunal

The warlord sits on the porch of his modest cabin and contemplates whether to laugh hysterically or feel insulted that such lies are being said.  The warlord knows that pulling off his cloak and raising his flag over his lands would make the silly boys rethink.  Profound thought decides this should not be needed and the tribe would only randomly find a new beast to try to bully.  ?Enough is enough,? the warlord screams and he slams his shield against the ground, ?If they want a lesson, then they will get one!?

Reg Discussion / Re: Some things never change
October 12, 2007, 11:28:06 AM
The warlord awakes to find his land under 5,000 for the fourth time in a week.  As he rubs his eyes he understands that the tribe had yet to receive his last message before they took the strike.  ?Those silly boys have no idea what door they are opening,? he says to himself as he makes his morning tea.  This be very true, the warlord has yet to fully act with his talents.  Simple warning shots are all he had done to show the tribe his supremacy to the young band.

As the warlord is picking up the broken branches he finds the townsfolk arriving for a feast.  In walks Scarwake leader of the brave Blades and a new face Kell the Noble.  Among the crowd is spotted a shy beast named Obliterator.  The warlord puts his paw around the beasts shoulder and says, ?It was simply a preemptive warning.?  Obliterator stands tall and says, ?I take responsibility for the actions of my clan, may we be friends if I send you supplies to rebuild??  The warlord chuckles, ?It is I that will be sending you aid to make you whole after I get my lands green once more.?

Two new beasts have arrived in the town and just out of protection.  The warlord digs deep into his lands and sends aid.
Reg Discussion / Some things never change
October 11, 2007, 09:27:32 PM
Cloaked and in the dark of night a warlord of the past returns to the lands called Redwall.  He stakes out a small plot of land and posts signs around the property that he is peaceful and will send aid to the needy. A venturing tribe assaults the land and leaves the warlord with only 5,000 acres.  The warlord ignores the assault and starts sending massive aid to the young and needy as he maintains in the top 10.  Again the tribe assaults the warlord down to 3,000 acres.  The warlord nicely explains to the tribe that he is peaceful and to please not raid lands so low when even the land farm has 4 times as much for the easy taking.  Considering the matter closed, the warlord grabs the land from the land farm and continues to send supplies to the less fortunate.  The tribe makes a major assault on the warlord and again leaves him at 3,000 acres.

Reluctantly, the warlord dusts off his sword and in a ninja like style, dances around the tribe to show them their weaknesses. The warlord informs the tribe that was simply a display of what they are starting and any further assaults will result in a war.  The tribe sends letters to the warlord that he is weak and whining as they assault the land and declare war!  The warlord makes stronger attacks and gives the tribe one last chance to reconsider.

A war is brewing. It is 4 members of #*&! clan against me.  A fair fight.  Even if this stupidity continues, I still plan on continuing to send aid to the needy.