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Messages - Mitya

Polling / What Grade are you in?
February 27, 2003, 04:15:31 PM
 First year in college, here.
 Pink skyscraper.
Polling / Good or bad?
February 22, 2003, 12:51:34 PM
 Depends on the individual character.
Count my vote for "Good and Evil characters from the earlier books in the series."
Polling / Q:
February 22, 2003, 12:37:14 PM
 Isn't there already another poll that asks this same question?
Polling / whats the best book?
February 22, 2003, 12:35:58 PM
 I'd have to say either Mossflower or Salamandastron.
General Discussion / Horde Names
February 22, 2003, 01:19:02 AM
Quote from: calriaI have a weird thing for French, which you'd know if you've ever talked to me on AIM. I usually 'bonjour' everyone to death.
You haven't heard me speak badly transliterated Russian over AIM...Skeery.
General Discussion / What's all this?
February 21, 2003, 10:53:54 PM
Quote from: bubble gum squadNah,im too lazy to do that.and it got boring after 1 sentence. :huh:
If you got so bored, then why did you respond?
Polling / just makeing sure that you read the books
February 21, 2003, 07:27:58 PM
 The "three-headed snake" was pretty freaky. And it was pretty imaginative, too. The best thing about "Triss," I think.

"Taggerung" wasn't bad, actually. The main gripe I had about it was the fact that immediately upon escaping the Juska camp, Tagg/Deyna's mannerisms were automatically polite and woodlanderish. No matter how good the guy is at heart, no matter how he means well, if he's been raised by a vermin horde there IS going to be some culture shock and adaptations he'd need to make to fit in.
I was actually planning on writing a fanfic which filled in that sort of gap in Tagg's development; I guess it would essentially be rewriting the beginning/middle of the novel. I wouldn't have changed any of BJ's events, but I would have just made the character development more realistic.
I got Taggerung on the day it came out--September 10th, 2001. I went to bed after reading books one and two, pondering this fanfic. I was planning on starting it the next afternoon. But the next morning distracted me, and it was never written. It probably won't be, either.
General Discussion / Horde Names
February 21, 2003, 01:35:23 PM
 Looking through the scores page, I've noticed a few really interesting names for hordes. I also know that I like picking names that mean something.
So I guess I'm curious, does your horde's name mean anything? Why'd you pick that name?

"Slava" is Russian for glory and honor. I think that's pretty self-explanatory.
Polling / just makeing sure that you read the books
February 20, 2003, 11:21:44 PM
 I've read them all. I acquired the last three on the days they came out.
The older books in the series are definitely FAR better than the newer ones are.
Polling / Did you like me?
February 20, 2003, 09:18:49 AM
You're worrying too much about all of this!
I'm sure more people like you than don't, and for those who don't, heck with them. Ignore them. What do they matter?
Polling / Good
February 18, 2003, 07:57:12 PM
 Dare I ask why every single thread on this message board seems to degenerate to name calling, flames, and mindless screaming?

I personally like the idea of a goodbeast/vermin war version of RWL.
General Discussion / My adorable kitten!!!
February 16, 2003, 12:27:03 PM
 I know someone who has a cat that weights nearly thirty pounds.
February 10, 2003, 08:08:11 PM
 That's because the admins give out set packages of turns every so often, to keep the game going.
General Discussion / Let's go over this again, shall we?
February 10, 2003, 06:36:21 PM
 I guess you don't get that Delor is Stormclaw's personal character/horde name, and that ripping it off from him just ain't funny.