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Messages - Stamm

Role-Play / Who thinks Deathclaw is a bad roleplayer
February 15, 2003, 10:00:36 PM
 A good RPer just follows all the unseen rules of RPing, which include grammar and spelling, sure, but also include no god-moding and no autoing.  
General Discussion / Multi Account
February 15, 2003, 08:27:31 PM
 1. As much as I feel your pain, do you really have to post every single attack? That slows the computers down a lot....

2. I believe they're a family. And if not, they're really low. I honestly think it's a family, but one person is accessing the accounts.

3. Why should you block all freemail servers? What if somebody's ISP doesn't provide emails? What if their ISP email doesn't work? I know mine doesn't, and I use a Hotmail account.
Help / Bugs / Networth Loss
February 14, 2003, 04:23:46 PM
 Wait, you're losing a million NW? Or a million dollars? If it's the latter, the only thing I can think of to stop losing money is to jack up the taxes a bunch for a while. Then you'll need to build tons of tents to get workers - the people that pay the taxes. After you're fine, then you can lower them down again, but it'll hurt your horde a bunch. :|
Help / Bugs / Validation Code emails?
February 09, 2003, 12:14:18 PM
 I got mine a little after I had signed up and started using up turns'n'stuff. When it prompts you for the validation code, there's something that tells you what to do if you never got it...
Clans / How do I start a clan board?
February 09, 2003, 11:38:19 AM
 It's the oldest topic showing in the Announcement board.
Strategy / Clans after the reset
February 09, 2003, 11:29:08 AM
 Copied from the LJ:

Connective Thinking
"Losers sign up for RWL.
I have signed up for RWL.
Therefore, I am a loser.



On clans...I noticed. After Mitts made the RFF one, about 14 more signed up within an hour...I think only seven clans have three or more members. I was wondering. ^.^
Strategy / Clans after the reset
February 09, 2003, 11:21:32 AM
 Shael...I'm afraid. I _am_. ^.- (me not playing and making fun of everybody else who does is just one big happy joke. So no one jump on me if I refer to Shy, Tsar, or Mitya as BIG FAT LOSERS, okay?)
Strategy / Clans after the reset
February 08, 2003, 06:16:31 PM
 Tsar, Shy, Mitts - I swear I didn't sign up for RWL. I swear.

Okay, so I did. Dangit. *sobs*

I'm already in on the insanity of the RFF...yes. We are officially weirdos. Ph34r us. Hahaha. *eyes all the RWLers*