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Messages - Jason

News / Updates / Voting
February 07, 2003, 12:16:36 PM
 Gah. And to think I'd finally got an account which wasn't irreplacably lost within a thousand turns...

Seriously, though. When somebody attacks you they should expect to be counterattacked. So I did. So they said "Ooh, look who's having a temper tantrum!" and summoned all of their friends (well, others who had attacked me and been liberated from) to pound me. And I lost one hundred and twelve ranks within a day.

Ah well. Fortunately, people seem to be ignoring my current account. And I'm using the market to it's full potential.

And, overall, nobody's started beating on me. Except one person. Whom I have every intention of thrashing as soon as I possibly can...

Yours in cordial bitterness,