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Messages - Enigma

Turbo Discussion / Re: Intentional Maxing
June 01, 2006, 03:34:42 PM
2.8 hours ago     You find another warlord viewing your stats!
2.8 hours ago    Your Leaders were defeated by riddick (#10) and you lost 2156 Acres of Land!    You lost 12281 Leaders, but you managed to kill 52637 of your attacker's Leaders.
2.8 hours ago    Your Leaders were defeated by riddick (#10) and you lost 1786 Acres of Land!    You lost 11698 Leaders, but you managed to kill 4913 of your attacker's Leaders.
2.8 hours ago    Your Leaders were defeated by riddick (#10) and you lost 2326 Acres of Land!    You lost 8793 Leaders, but you managed to kill 26317 of your attacker's Leaders.
2.8 hours ago    Your Leaders were defeated by riddick (#10) and you lost 2681 Acres of Land!    You lost 4731 Leaders, but you managed to kill 75230 of your attacker's Leaders.
2.8 hours ago    Your Leaders were defeated by riddick (#10) and you lost 1309 Acres of Land!    You lost 3964 Leaders, but you managed to kill 13600 of your attacker's Leaders.
2.8 hours ago    Your Leaders were defeated by riddick (#10) and you lost 1348 Acres of Land!    You lost 11404 Leaders, but you managed to kill 52560 of your attacker's Leaders.
2.8 hours ago    Your Leaders were defeated by riddick (#10) and you lost 1248 Acres of Land!    You lost 6351 Leaders, but you managed to kill 51926 of your attacker's Leaders.
2.8 hours ago    Your Leaders were defeated by riddick (#10) and you lost 2341 Acres of Land!    You lost 8704 Leaders, but you managed to kill 47822 of your attacker's Leaders.
2.8 hours ago    Your Leaders were defeated by riddick (#10) and you lost 773 Acres of Land!    You lost 7387 Leaders, but you managed to kill 22304 of your attacker's Leaders.
2.8 hours ago    Your Leaders were defeated by riddick (#10) and you lost 2100 Acres of Land!    You lost 10419 Leaders, but you managed to kill 53099 of your attacker's Leaders.
2.8 hours ago    riddick (#10) attacked you!    You held your defense and your enemy was repelled, but you lost:
1,651 Weasels
You managed to destroy:
41,050 Weasels
0.8 hours ago    You founded Being punished: See forums.
0.7 hours ago    kagewa no (#9) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 2467 Acres of Land and destroyed:
9,985 Skiffs
You managed to destroy:
84,109 Skiffs
0.7 hours ago    kagewa no (#9) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 552 Acres of Land and destroyed:
14,880 Skiffs
You managed to destroy:
102,231 Skiffs
0.7 hours ago    kagewa no (#9) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 853 Acres of Land and destroyed:
15,880 Skiffs
You managed to destroy:
98,193 Skiffs
0.7 hours ago    kagewa no (#9) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 1976 Acres of Land and destroyed:
15,716 Skiffs
You managed to destroy:
43,831 Skiffs
0.7 hours ago    kagewa no (#9) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 1894 Acres of Land and destroyed:
19,351 Skiffs
You managed to destroy:
99,913 Skiffs
0.7 hours ago    kagewa no (#9) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 1346 Acres of Land and destroyed:
10,177 Skiffs
You managed to destroy:
89,323 Skiffs
0.7 hours ago    kagewa no (#9) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 1755 Acres of Land and destroyed:
18,212 Skiffs
You managed to destroy:
69,549 Skiffs
0.7 hours ago    kagewa no (#9) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 1493 Acres of Land and destroyed:
19,571 Skiffs
You managed to destroy:
119,516 Skiffs
0.6 hours ago    kagewa no (#9) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 1349 Acres of Land and destroyed:
9,025 Skiffs
You managed to destroy:
59,829 Skiffs
0.6 hours ago    kagewa no (#9) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 1649 Acres of Land and destroyed:
12,196 Skiffs
You managed to destroy:
72,949 Skiffs
0.6 hours ago    kagewa no (#9) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 1958 Acres of Land and destroyed:
9,009 Skiffs
You managed to destroy:
77,725 Skiffs
0.6 hours ago    kagewa no (#9) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 1063 Acres of Land and destroyed:
12,453 Skiffs
You managed to destroy:
47,512 Skiffs

Wow. That's wierd. I was attacked until I was maxed....then I was punished....glad to have such adroit and just administrators. Wait, didn't YOU get knocked out of the game? Didn't YOU get mad at me for trying to weaken Juskabelly while he was #1? Didn't I attack YOU? Hmmmm....sounds a bit personal to me.... So tell me, how much have I gained from being maxed right here? Oh wait....not a whole lot. What is that...25,000 land lost? I am sooo glad that I collaborated with 9 and 10 to get myself punched in the face. And 14? I just checked my news archive and realized that he did attack me with no gain and destroyed a lot of my troops. I thought it was a pretty stupid move, but every man to his own. That was his strategy, and I respect that. But a few hours later, I am being punished. And look where 14 is?! So if I attack someone alot and don't break through they get stuck in a clan? This is the message you are sending.... Anyway I am still so glad to have such a fair and judicious, IMpartial judge in Peace Alliance...
Turbo Discussion / Re: Clan of Punishment
March 24, 2006, 11:21:48 PM
Well. Fair enough, Wolf Bite. You were right to do what you did with the clan, however I would like to leave some other things straight for the record:

-First, one might wonder what might drive someone to get a friend or relative involved in an online game so that they can help them out. Is it just the drive to be the top? To win? Then why did I not start out with my brother at once?

Here is the warm welcome I received from some of the groups more senior (definitely not in mind or maturity, but in game experience) who know what it is like to be new, and not very good at the game.

"*Fri, 17 Mar 2006 16:16:36 -0800
From The Pheonix Lament (#6) (?)
quit maxing my targets noob. if you cant scrape land quit trying and let the big boys do it k?*"

Right after that, here is the next message:

"*Fri, 17 Mar 2006 16:30:00 -0800
From The Pheonix Lament (#6) (?)
watch it noob your pissing me off. *shakes head* dam amatuer.*"

Then a few days later...

"*Wed, 22 Mar 2006 17:27:56 -0800
From The Pheonix Lament (#6) (?)
im going to go ahead and warn you right now you little imbecile, next time you attack me online, it will not turn out well for you. I''m close to putting a bounty on your empty little head for being such a careless noob. BE WARNED.*"

Well, this is coming from the person who did the exact same to me before, taking thousands of acres and wasting my turns. Again, notice the kind, welcoming tone. Here is another, bitingly sarcastic little note-

"*Wed, 22 Mar 2006 18:12:48 -0800
From The HOunds of Ulster (#13) (?)
Would you like some advice on how to play better?*"

I may be wrong, and he may have been serious, but this is while he takes all my land every day. So, I took that into how I was starting to feel about this game and the people in it. Here is our seasoned veteran again with his infinite kindness:

"*Thu, 23 Mar 2006 20:14:41 -0800
From The Pheonix Lament (#6) (?)
man up you piece of shiht. join a clan and make it fair. pathetic scumbag.*"

Hmm, did he not just tell me about a week ago that I was an annoying, imbecilic, amateurish noob? What I hear from him is that I couldn't touch him, that I was a weak nothing, that I could never measure up to anywhere near his prowess at a GAME HE HAS PROBABLY PLAYED FOR YEARS. Not that that is in any way bad, this is a great past-time, but you have got to have issues if you are at the point where you will curse at and harass new-comers to a game you are "an expert" at.
       So, we start to see why one might attempt to get some kind of edge over these type (not that everyone is like this, just people like Gen. Volkov or Wolf Snare) of jerks who seem to have nothing better to do than to turn the time that you should be spending enjoying yourself on this well designed and managed, fun game. So basically I was slapped in the face by these "vets" of ROVL, who just might possibly be the REASON WHY IT IS HARD TO FIND A LOT OF PEOPLE IN THIS GAME.

-Secondly, I know that what I did was against the rules, and I am sorry for any trouble caused to Wolf Bite, one of the only out of those posting who I respect and who seems to have his head in the right place when it comes to this game and who plays it. I apologize for making my brother send me aid and if I had been told that I was allowed to do that if we were in a clan, I would definitely have done so. However, General was kind enough to attack this "noob" to shreds then to swear at him afterwards about the aid. My brother is 12 and has no idea about anything that was going wrong. I told him that we were now working together to get back at these losers and that it was his job to get money and food, and I would protect him. This is a text-book clan, however no-one told me! I should probably have looked more closely into finding rules or guides, but I did not. Wolf Bite was entirely right to punish both accounts, and I would have expected to be deleted, so thank you for the leniency. However that leads me to my third point.

-Thirdly, I have left this game of my own accord, and have told my little brother that with the type of people at the top of the game, I would rather that he not be involved either. The Argonauts gave away everything they could to the different people that may have been attacked, then AFTER I REALIZED THAT THE LAND WAS GOING TO THE LANDFARM, I told my brother just to drop any un-used land. This MIGHT GIVE THESE OTHER UN-WANTED "NOOBS" a chance! I then did the same with my account, The Musketeers, because I am not proud of the way that I responded to such childish and spiteful comments by our benevolent and kind leaders. The only reason that both accounts were not immediately deleted is because I could not remember the name that I gave to my account, and my brother told me that he had just put in a random name, too. So instead, I dropped all land from Musketeers, however 949 extra (un-deletable) remained. So, General"ly" Cocky Volkov, you nor anyone else attacked me. And if you think that people did not like either of us, we were using your type of interactions, so take a wild guess about how people think of you. And if anyone wants a little chuckle, scroll over to General's post about "beating the snot out of me." I do seem to recall that until I left of my own accord, I was usually right next to you in the standings (still a noob, right?)...

However, I am stooping to the low levels of the very people who I am trying not to be akin to. I thank you again Wolf Bite, for treating this case fairly and understandingly. I compliment you on your game, which you hold sway over, but not on your players, which you cannot choose. I apologise for my wrongs and ask that you do not hold it against me, for we all know what comes from feeling like we are attacked and belittled- revenge. However as Bacon said, "In taking revenge, a man is but even with his enemy; but in passing it over, he is superior." From this point on, I relinquish my and my brother's accounts for the good of the new players and ask those with any scrap of common courtesy, kindness, or any good whatsoever, look at yourselves and ask yourselves why you play this game. Is that extra attack that you could get in on somebody for those 700 acres worth as much as that friendship you might build by sending a little un-asked-for aid? So those of you who welcome new players as one would an inductee to a college fraternity, I apologise for my wrongs against you and forgive you those done against me. Thanks again Wolf Bite, and keep up the good work.