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Messages - Riverpaw

General Discussion / Rank 35
September 25, 2003, 04:11:31 PM
 Ah, the Sonaras from TSOR strategy. It's an all offense way to get to the top. Hope the guy has lots of guard towers.
General Discussion / TSOR
September 25, 2003, 04:09:50 PM
 We are here for fun. Do you really want to crush us all so we leave? I thought you wanted members. Look, as the TSOR second leader, I ask that you treat us as any other warlord. If you attack us, fine, but don't try to kill us. The takeover junk is a joke, or at least to me. Get it? Got it? Good.
Turbo Discussion / Bounty on my clanmate.
September 25, 2003, 03:27:01 PM
 I'm Zephyrus. Does anyone want to kill me for that? I hope not.
Polling / How much time do you spend on computer?
September 23, 2003, 08:15:30 PM
I have parents... and test prep school... and homework...  :(  Anyhow, maybe more. (And more in the summer, of course.)
Polling / MUSIC!!!
September 23, 2003, 08:13:41 PM
 I voted other. I don't care about artists. I only listen to whatever songs sound good.
General Discussion / I have a great idea!
September 23, 2003, 08:12:03 PM
Quote from: The Lady ShaelAh....I assumed he was from TSOR because he was like, "Haha, you'll never beat us!" Oh, wait, that's Swiftgaming...*slaps head* That's what I meant, not TSOR.
I should quote you and have the TSOR staff flame you, but that's not nice, so never mind.  :rolleyes:  Just kidding!
General Discussion / free land
September 23, 2003, 08:10:45 PM
Quote from: Markumm, spy, are you doing muti accounts?
Let's hope not...
News / Updates / SPAG enabled
September 23, 2003, 05:36:13 PM
Quote from: calriaErm,
I'm cuter.

Anyway, I'm the only English major at RWL. So there.
*sticks out tongue*

You may be my page!
Cuter? Bleargh.
English major? I'm only middle school, but my English ability is still very good.
Page? Okeydokey.

BTW: (forgot)
General Discussion / I have a great idea!
September 23, 2003, 05:32:53 PM
Quote from: spyu can nevr bet us lol u *****

- Hm. Apparently TSOR doesn't seem to enforce their language control....
He's not from TSOR. I just said.

I'm a TSOR mod. We have pride.
General Discussion / free land
September 23, 2003, 05:31:26 PM
Quote from: TR Shadow
Quote from: Riverpaw
Quote from: spybtw can u try its a kewl game but we need mor playrs.
Isn't RWL planning a takeover of them?
Indeed we are.  *Giggles* It's going to be fun too ^_^.
(if you don't know, then you don't need to...)
General Discussion / free land
September 23, 2003, 05:03:40 PM
Quote from: caedo caelestisSome people have too much time on their hands.
No, I have not enough. (That's why my screwed up logic tells me to waste it.)
General Discussion / free land
September 23, 2003, 04:59:14 PM
Quote from: spybtw can u try its a kewl game but we need mor playrs.
Isn't RWL planning a takeover of them?
General Discussion / free land
September 23, 2003, 04:56:48 PM
QuoteYour military trembles at your attack on such a strong opponent. Many desert!
Your army breaks through Horde of Redeyes's defenses and captures 500 acres of land! In the effort, you lost:
82 Stoats
In their defense, Horde of Redeyes lost:
38 Stoats

Better. (Why is the difference in the amount of land gained backwards?)
General Discussion / free land
September 23, 2003, 04:55:17 PM
Quote from: spywat u mean, nothin wrong he got many rats. wesels braek him
Almost no land, though, and many desert.
General Discussion / free land
September 23, 2003, 04:50:27 PM
QuoteYour military trembles at your attack on such a strong opponent. Many desert!
After a failing struggle, your army is repelled by Horde of Redeyes's defenses. In the attempt, you lost:
8,146 Rats
In their defense, Horde of Redeyes lost:
32,572 Rats
QuoteYour military trembles at your attack on such a strong opponent. Many desert!
Your army breaks through Horde of Redeyes's defenses and captures 265 acres of land! In the effort, you lost:
1 Weasels
In their defense, Horde of Redeyes lost:
What am I doing wrong?? :blink: