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Messages - Riverpaw

Turbo Discussion / Bounty on my clanmate.
September 25, 2003, 07:36:15 PM
Quote from: BlackeyesIs Homosexual Jesus your name on Turbo? If not then this dosen't include you Riverpaw.
No, I should think not! *shudders* I just wanted to make sure you weren't going after anyone else for their name.
General Discussion / Brief quiz, please take it.
September 25, 2003, 07:09:48 PM
 Must... not... spag...
Must... not... discourage... new... member...

Welcome to RWL, even if it isn't my job to welcome you.
Clans / i need a good clan
September 25, 2003, 07:06:27 PM
Quote from: The Lady ShaelOh, psh, you and your perfectionist was fine the way I had it, at least it was understandable...^_^ :P
True, but you are the queen of Grammatica. We expect things, ya know. *snerk* (Correct usuage?)
General Discussion / One day's notice...
September 25, 2003, 06:50:31 PM
Quote from: KlamathThat's not entirely true.  It's available via the BBC America channel, PBS stations (that's where I first saw Red Dwarf), and video/DVD.
Not my local PBS. BBC America is only available on digital. My parents never let me buy videotapes or DVDs. lovely! *pouts*
General Discussion / Ad The Guide (#111)
September 25, 2003, 06:44:30 PM
Quote from: calria*pouts*
You're a meanie.
No offense meant. Sorry. Just some odd humour from my even more odd brain, if it can even be called that. Wait? You aren't serious, are you?
General Discussion / Brief quiz, please take it.
September 25, 2003, 06:43:09 PM
Quote from: The BeatlesReal nerds: The Beatles, Calria, Mikalae, Quami, Shael, Riverpaw
Edge: Klamath, Blood Wake, Aqualis, Ashyra
Not: Almkman, Scarwake, Blackeyes, Ad
We nerds outnumber all others! World domination! (Or not...)  :P  :P  *snerk* (Correct usuage?)
General Discussion / Anyone here notice....?
September 25, 2003, 06:40:12 PM
 Hi. (Erm... Who are you again?)
General Discussion / One day's notice...
September 25, 2003, 05:39:26 PM
Quote from: KlamathBBC science fiction comedy
BBC programming is not available in the United States...
General Discussion / Ad The Guide (#111)
September 25, 2003, 05:14:25 PM
Quote from: calriaOh, and if anyone would like to blame someone, blame me and not entirely Ad... I helped him decide to become un-peaceful.

I have nothing against you, but I've also got a refrigerator full of stuff... hehe... *cackle*

**pelts calria with all manner of assorted garbage including moldy tomatoes and rotten eggs**

Sorry, couldn't control myself... Nothing personal.
General Discussion / Brief quiz, please take it.
September 25, 2003, 05:00:43 PM
 Do you have a highly deficient social life?

Yes, unfortunately. Everyone finds me annoying. Me? I think it's prejudice against Asians.

Is your online circle of friends larger, or significantly larger than your real-life circle of friends?

Yes, for a better term... (Never mind. Must not bore to death.)

Do you enjoy reading?

YES!! More than is healthy...

Do you prefer classical music and perhaps classic rock to modern music?

Classical? Yes. Classic rock? Should try that. Other? Yep, nature sounds.

Do you do programming, are you a techie?

Techie? Yes. I couldn't program a "Hello World!" for my life, though. I'm learning...

Are your favorite topics of conversation in the sciences, preferably math, computer science, and physics? Maybe classical music?

Yes... ditto... etc. Nobody else enjoys these, so I tend to lay off.

Is your circle of real-life friends generally limited to people interested in the same things as you, in this case, nerds/geeks/freaks?

No, I happen to live in the most non-geek neighborhood in the world.

Are you friends with them because of the great conversations you've had in math/comp. sci./physics/classical music?

N/A, see above.

Do you generally detest large social events? These events are any civilized events, and do not include: LAN parties, scientific competitions, etc.

No, but I might as well. I have yet to go to one with an invitation.

Do you spend as much time at the computer as you spend eating?

I've got parents, ya know? Really strict ones, too. 1hr/day more or less. I know, I eat slow.

Alternately, do you spend as much time reading or listening to classical music as much time?

Yes, but only in the summer when I have time.

Do others ask you for help with homework? For the definition of long words?

Yes, yes. Too much. Also, they want only answers, not explanations.

Are most of your books either in classics or in math, comp. sci., or physics?

I have no books. I'm a library freak though.


General Discussion / Tips?
September 25, 2003, 04:48:25 PM
Quote from: almkmanWe call it the Rat massing strategy.Peace Alliance is the best at it.
Only Sonaras has tried it on TSOR as of my knowledge. Anyways, doesn't he/she play RWL too?
General Discussion / TSOR
September 25, 2003, 04:47:19 PM
Quote from: The BeatlesThe Salubrious of the Ravens
Errr... like it?
The Swift Otters of Redwall
Maybe that?
Not really...
Good, but not everyone at TSOR is quite an otter fan. (I am!)
Thanks. (And message Boar: Guthorm's Swordbeast's #547)
General Discussion / Tips?
September 25, 2003, 04:18:04 PM
Quote from: Ashyra NightwingI'd reccomend massing skiffs, but you could try something else..
Skiffs are the equivalent of TSOR's otters? Yep, good idea. Also try massing rats, but only do that if you have TONS of guard towers. Otherwise, I can easily break you with stoats and weasels. BTW, we call the rats thing the "Sonaras Strategy", from when he massed mice (equivalent to rats) at TSOR's WBII. It worked well, too. Oh, and also mass leaders.
General Discussion / TSOR
September 25, 2003, 04:14:13 PM
Quote from: Dead EyeI would recomend a change in the name though.
Talk to Boar. Also, the tag can't be changed. Is there a good acronym for TSOR?
General Discussion / 10 days
September 25, 2003, 04:13:16 PM
Quote from: The Lady ShaelIt probably won't be at the library exactly five days from now. It never always takes a couple weeks, maybe even months. I'm definitely buying it. They haven't even released the cover, have they? Being more secretive, they are...
Oh, drat! I always have to use the library. I'm still waiting for the latest Harry Potter. Of course, I don't even think the Forest Hills branch has the other ones.