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Messages - CobyCopper

Turbo Discussion / Re: A Challenge, and tryouts
September 21, 2008, 02:47:32 PM
Quote from: Saladin on September 20, 2008, 06:00:27 PM
In response to this, someone should make a very offensively minded clan designed to crush Shadow's.
I'll aid anyone willing with knowledge. University is becoming more and more hectic--expected of course. But contact me on Reg and I'll funnel knowledge and strategies into playing offensively, just to see if Shadow's defensive techniques will be of any use. Perhaps a competition is in order: offense versus defense. Pure leader strategies will have an upper hand against defensive leader and indy strats, though I am very much prepared myself to launch into a defensive Stoat strategy.
Reg Discussion / Re: All Hail
September 19, 2008, 02:18:50 PM
OOC: I've been busy recently. Classes are picking up. I am now a student of the Honors College as well, so time will be at a premium. Trying to get a job as well. Anyways--I'm a little bit behind on this RPing--but I'll make time later and RP for the current.
Bugs / Re: turbo emp net
September 15, 2008, 06:32:30 PM
Quote from: Shadow on September 15, 2008, 05:34:11 PM
his net dropped 200mil without any attacks on him. I could understand net going up because he is gaining taxes, but a drop? odd. Maybe he is getting negative taxes if people are making - per turn?
Or maybe Shael hit the recalculate-NW button. Hes been collecting tax, seemingly without gaining NW from it. The resources still go there but not counted in NW until an admin recalcs it.
Bugs / Aid bug
September 13, 2008, 01:09:31 PM
$10b cash disappeared

0 hours ago     Dark Side of the Moon (#23) has sent you 45,448 Skiffs carrying...     $10,458,901,133
Mark News as Read
View News Archive (7 days)

Mailbox    Turns: 162    Cash: $1,913,822,828    Land: 51,662    Loyalty: 6,073,040    Food: 4,266,197,004    Health: 29%    Networth: $267,306,847

At your present rate, you will run out of cash in 24 Turns, so you should not do more than 12 missions.

Mailbox    Turns: 162    Cash: $1,913,822,828    Land: 51,662    Loyalty: 6,073,040    Food: 4,266,197,004    Health: 29%    Networth: $267,306,847
General Discussion / Re: Percy Speaks Out
September 12, 2008, 09:02:36 PM
Quote from: Firetooth on September 12, 2008, 03:47:43 PM
wow that looks disgusting. Snare cakes are disgusting :-X
Snarecake was food for a few days once, I remember...
Actually a few weeks over April... and the counties were changed to reflect the names of our gracious administrators! \
Reg Discussion / Re: Revival
September 12, 2008, 09:00:33 PM
WB Saladin. And it may be that market NW is no longer counted. I'm not sure really.
Bugs / Re: Glaring errors--city bugs AGAIN!!
September 12, 2008, 11:36:29 AM
Quote from: Shadow on September 12, 2008, 11:14:55 AM
The city bugs are just display glitches. As long as the dynamics work as they should (and they do), I don't think it's too much of a glaring error. 
The dynamics are correct--but the readout issues make it look like Electronic Arts developed and published the code release. :wink:
Too bad bandwidth is checked back so much... they are so against P2P but it also slows down stuff like Windoze update.
Quote from: windhound on September 10, 2008, 08:53:08 PM
Your school network is likely a T1/T3 Coby

I'm on NCSU's network.  Zoomy.
I know--but you can never be too sure. :P
School network.
Reg Discussion / Re: All Hail
September 10, 2008, 09:33:11 AM
OOC: Keep going with your plans and plots. This role-playing brings a new life to Redwall. I will be  disappointed if at any point in the next few weeks, that your plan falls apart. Keep it together--I enjoy it and I know a good number more people enjoy it.

IC: General Bob-sama stands again on the hill that afternoon. He received a messenger from his friend and ally's messenger. General Obliterator had broken through Ereptor's lines and broke the reign of they tyrannical Ereptor. However, he knew that this would not be the end of Ereptor and Ereptor's allies.
Reg Discussion / Re: All Hail
September 09, 2008, 10:32:35 PM
Quote from: Gorak on September 09, 2008, 09:04:12 PM
*A large armored rat enters the tent*
"Sir, I bring news from the frontlines in Mossflower!"

"At ease Deathmaster Snikch, now, what of the rebellion?"

"Sir, while you were away, The rebel leader Wolf Snare, and his minion Bob, attacked the fortress of General Volkov and general Holby. General Volkov was caught unprepared and suffered greatly, General Holby lost much lands, but otherwise faired better.
The rebel Bob and his forces also attacked The Emperors fortress, however, the imperial guard has held fast."

"So, trying to where down the Imperial Forces by bringing down the Generals of The High Council, eh? So it has begun."
*mutters under breath - "finally"

"The rebels shall be dealt with. The Imperial Guard will stand fast. Justice will come in due time.
Rally the men. Tell them that I, General Gorak, will personally lead them to battle and fight by their sides!
Death to Cowards!
Dismissed Deathmaster Snikch"

"Death to Cowards indeed sir"

* The large rat salutes, and exits back out the way he came*
OOC: I should be rebel leader Bob-sama and Wolf Snare my general--they're my plans and Wolf Snare agrees with my strategy. Please adjust for the purpose of this roleplay.

IC: The night was cold but bright. The moon shone in the cloudless sky over the counties. A thick fog would be rolling over the river in the morning.

The hill was covered in a thin sheen of dew, and the soft grass was crushed at the feet of ten approaching souls. Four wolves and three wildcats surrounded a messenger and the primary commanders of the rebellion. General Bob-sama and General Wolf Snare were present this evening, and a messenger a few steps behind Bob-sama.

"My good Cody, tonight we will repeat our efforts."

"Agreed, Robert. Tonight will be particularly bloody for the Guard."

"We shall make sure of that."

"Messenger--prepare to go to my encampment. I need a message sent immediately to my own commanders."

The messenger bowed, saying "yes, my lord!"

"Write to my commanders that they are to temporarily transfer to the complete and total control of my opposite here, General Bob-sama. Effective immediately, I want two thirds of my forces to immediately leave for his encampments." Wolf Snare waited several minutes as the teenage fox inscribed his instructions. "Now off to my camp, messenger. Return immediately when this transcript is delivered."

"Immediately, my lord!" With that, the young fox ran off and to Wolf Snare's camp in Southsward.

"Now then, Cody, over the river is of course our benevolent emperor. Tonight we shall pleasure him again with the presences of my messengers."

"Indeed, Bob. I am anxious of the result."

"Guard--send for another messenger. I have orders effective immediately."

The Wildcat guard replies, "yes, sir!" The wildcat then makes his way towards the small encampment behind the prominent hill. Several minutes pass, and a messenger sprints to the side of Bob-sama and Wolf Snare, bowing to each.

"My Master and Lord; you have requested my presence?"

"Yes, I have," Bob-sama responded. "I have orders for my commander."

"Yes, Master." The tall Painted One messenger removes a large sheet of parchment similar to the parchment carried by the prior Fox messenger. "Your orders, my Master?"

"Prepare my legions of leaders. We strike at the Emperor Ereptor in one hour's time."

"Yes, my Master." The Painted One hurriedly scribbles orders to his parchment.

"Begone!" Wolf Snare says, and the Painted One scurries off, making his way quickly to the main camp of Bob-sama's army.

An hour's time passes without event. By the time the hour is up, legions of Bob-sama's leaders are on the ground behind the hill. General Bob-sama turns to inspect his armies, and then instructs a group of his primary commanders on the plans for the following battle. Within another hour, the dawn is on the sky. After a short address, Bob-sama with Wolf Snare beside him sends the leaders into the territory of the Emperor.

The battle raged for several hours. The sun was just over the horizon upon the report of the remaining commanders. They reported and then dissipated back to their huts with the surviving and newly-recruited veterans of this bloody rebellion.
Bugs / Glaring errors--city bugs AGAIN!!
September 09, 2008, 10:16:47 PM
Quote0.1 hours ago     You find Shadow (#6) failing to capture one of your cities.     In the battle, you lost:
0 Leaders
7,297 Workers
0.1 hours ago    You find Shadow (#6) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
8,750 Leaders
0 Workers
0.1 hours ago    You find Shadow (#6) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
0 Leaders
0 Workers
0.1 hours ago    You find Shadow (#6) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
0 Leaders
0 Workers
0 hours ago    You find Shadow (#6) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
0 Leaders
7,273 Workers
0 hours ago    You find Shadow (#6) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
0 Leaders
7,249 Workers
0 hours ago    You find Shadow (#6) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
0 Leaders
7,224 Workers
0 hours ago    You find Shadow (#6) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
0 Leaders
0 Workers
0 hours ago    You find Shadow (#6) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
0 Leaders
7,200 Workers
0 hours ago    You find Shadow (#6) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
0 Leaders
0 Workers
0 hours ago    You find Shadow (#6) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
8,720 Leaders
7,176 Workers
0 hours ago    You find Shadow (#6) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
8,691 Leaders
7,152 Workers
0 hours ago    You find Shadow (#6) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
8,662 Leaders
0 Workers
0 hours ago    You find Shadow (#6) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
8,633 Leaders
7,129 Workers
0 hours ago    You find Shadow (#6) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
8,605 Leaders
7,105 Workers
0 hours ago    You find Shadow (#6) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
8,576 Leaders
0 Workers
0 hours ago    You find Shadow (#6) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
0 Leaders
0 Workers
0 hours ago    You find Shadow (#6) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
0 Leaders
7,081 Workers
0 hours ago    You find Shadow (#6) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
8,547 Leaders
7,057 Workers
0 hours ago    You find Shadow (#6) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
0 Leaders
0 Workers

He ended up taking all the cities. And more, this is my page now...

QuoteBob-sama (#472)
Networth    $127,284,378
Land    15,730 Acres
Citys    Skalgerag
light place
Helm\\\'s Deep
Helm\\\'s Deep
Race    Stoat
Location    Southsward
Clan    None
Rank    11
Attack?    Yourself
Defenses    1227 (3%)
Attacks    1941 (74%)
Kills    0
Land Gained in Attacks    2,196,193
Land Lost in Attacks    1,670,605
Created On    February 20, 2008

See a problem? I know I do.

Furthermore, they don't appear on the WL info page.

Quote15 recent news events:
Date/Time    Attacker    Defender    Outcome
Tue, 09 Sep 2008 20:11:24 -0600    Dark Side of the Moon (#23)
Clan:    Bob-sama (#472)
Clan:    Guerilla Strike
314 Acres
Tue, 09 Sep 2008 20:00:26 -0600    Bob-sama (#472)
Clan:    Obscurum in Oriens (#288)
Clan:    Mission: Attack

On Shadow's page...

QuoteAttacker     Defender     Outcome
Tue, 09 Sep 2008 21:06:30 -0600    Shadow (#6)
Clan: =|^|=    Hells Militia (#881)
Clan: Armada    Guerilla Strike
2137 Acres
Tue, 09 Sep 2008 21:06:29 -0600    Shadow (#6)
Clan: =|^|=    Hells Militia (#881)
Clan: Armada    Guerilla Strike
1799 Acres
Tue, 09 Sep 2008 21:06:28 -0600    Shadow (#6)
Clan: =|^|=    Hells Militia (#881)
Clan: Armada    Guerilla Strike
1215 Acres
Tue, 09 Sep 2008 21:06:27 -0600    Shadow (#6)
Clan: =|^|=    Hells Militia (#881)
Clan: Armada    Guerilla Strike
1290 Acres
Tue, 09 Sep 2008 21:06:26 -0600    Shadow (#6)
Clan: =|^|=    Hells Militia (#881)
Clan: Armada    Guerilla Strike
2330 Acres

Unrelated but similar--the "turns were stopped" came up and only charged me 1 turn on an espionage.
Turbo Discussion / Re: It has been done
September 09, 2008, 10:55:22 AM
Quote from: Checkerpaw on September 09, 2008, 09:47:10 AM
Quote from: CobyCopper on September 08, 2008, 10:32:06 PM
Good luck. I would suggest you heal by raising your shields in Regular and Turbo. Many good players have been taken down because they forget until it's too late.

If they forget something like that, they're not that good.

QuoteMainly statements of how pathetic you seem when you do this, and how it does not seem to benefit you in any way.

It benefits me greatly because of the entertainment I get out of it.  And it's a good thing my self-esteem doesn't depend on what you think of me.

It's actually a common error--too common really. I've seen it at least a half a dozen times during takedowns and disruptions of plans. Ereptor forgot them prior to emping last time. Your own Volkov forgot them following that. I have hit Conor and quite a few others without shields as well in the past few months.

Anyways--I've forgot them too--just not at really critical times. For indies--they should always have shields raised. For leaders, it's not THAT necessary if they don't have NW.
Turbo Discussion / Re: It has been done
September 08, 2008, 10:32:06 PM
Good luck. I would suggest you heal by raising your shields in Regular and Turbo. Many good players have been taken down because they forget until it's too late.