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Messages - thomaskreisman

Reg Discussion / Re: Passive Thomas Kreisman
June 23, 2008, 05:13:55 PM
Thank u Firetooth and there is an updait on my notice that u might want to concider before u attack me saladin
Turbo Discussion / Alazar
June 23, 2008, 05:10:02 PM
Player has retreated into the mountains, and it costs an extra 10 health to reach them!

Group 1 won through their opponents.
Group 2 won through their opponents.
Group 3 won through their opponents.
Group 4 won through their opponents.
Your Army breaks through Alazar's defenses and captures 1 Acres of Land! In the effort, you lost:
3 Rats
2 Weasels
2 Skiffs
In their defense, Alazar lost:
You also captured 1 Structures!
You also grabbed 3,558,479,667 Cash!
You also grabbed 31,967,831 Food!
Alazar (#22) has been destroyed!
Clans / Re: Corsair
June 20, 2008, 11:02:06 PM
GO CHECK!!!!!!!!

(nothing personal shadow but chek is ausome)

and yes saladin I am from the south and we can't spell good down here.
Reg Discussion / Re: Passive Thomas Kreisman
June 20, 2008, 10:58:28 PM
sorry I was on vaccation but yes I will make 0 attacks 4 the remander of this round.

Clans / Re: Corsair
June 14, 2008, 09:12:16 AM
I am a high school freshman and I just plain old can"t spell< my mon has never been able to< nor my dad or grandparrents
Reg Discussion / Passive Thomas Kreisman
June 13, 2008, 08:51:29 PM
I just created my account and most of u know me from turbo where u can useualy find me at ranks 11 or 12 but I would like to anounce that in the reg server I am passive and will not make any attacks so I would appretiate it if u don't attack me.

General Thomas Kreisman of the Free Warlord Alliance grand army
Turbo Discussion / Re: Bounty
June 13, 2008, 08:45:42 PM
I am not gay but I am a little bit homophobic
Clans / Re: Corsair
June 13, 2008, 03:43:35 PM
hehehe, I'll admit that my spelling is awfull and I don't care if he makes fun of me 4 it because u all know what I'm trying to say
Turbo Discussion / Re: Bounty
June 13, 2008, 03:41:08 PM
I would never accuse saladin of being gay unless he downright said it and admited it and as for General Austin, he is right because in the bible it states that no sin is greater than another.

Go Austin!
Turbo Discussion / Re: Bounty
June 12, 2008, 08:32:28 PM
he let the dingo into his clan and the dingo is gay!

I am a christen and in the bible it says that gays are obominations to god therefore the dingo would not be welcome in any clan of mine!
Clans / Re: Corsair
June 12, 2008, 08:16:27 PM
hehehe ya I'll admit that I do have the spelling of a 2ed grader but u guys r biest and I have had a long history of wars with the wraith and it's second nature for me to hate them but I realy have nothing against u and I have already messaged u in turbo about the other reasons I left your clan so I c no point why we r still discussing this on the forums.
Turbo Discussion / Re: Bounty
June 12, 2008, 08:13:06 PM
I agree with lady, u guys need to stop and I meen stop now

this killing is only holding everyone back if we stoped killing and murdering and poisoning then I beleve our #10 ranked could have a 300mil net which as right now our #10 rank has a 200mil net which is extreemly high and one of the higest it has ever been sence we have gone into this killing stage.
Clans / Re: In need of a Turbo Clan....
June 12, 2008, 05:03:10 PM
stay solo because this game has goten allot more violent sence u left and It would make u more vulnerable to join a clan now and it realy isn't worth it unless your highlty ranked in a clan.
Clans / Re: Corsair
June 12, 2008, 05:00:34 PM
I was in this clan for 2 weeks and it was a waste of my time all saladin did was hold me back and now he is dead for the 2ed time in 3 days, DO NOT JOIN THIS CLAN it is biest (if I spelled that right) and injust.
Turbo Discussion / Re: Bounty
June 12, 2008, 04:55:21 PM
the date that I am posting this is june 12th at 5:52 eastern american time and 30 seconds ago saladin was killed by just me (#23), this is the second time he has been killed in 3 days, I don't know what he did but it must have been something bad, can someone fill me in because all I know is he put a bounty on feathertooth and just me is in his clan but to get killed twice over 1 bountie, I mean thats a bit much don't u think, did he do more? fill me in.