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Messages - Aminrael

General Discussion / Who's Who Page
October 14, 2003, 11:11:29 PM

Then it most definetely does NOT catch bad dreams.
General Discussion / HI!
October 14, 2003, 09:20:34 PM
 I wasn't here in the first era, but I'll believe ya. I'll stop spamming now, I promise!  :ph34r:  
General Discussion / HI!
October 14, 2003, 09:17:36 PM
 Noooo, not spam. Post-war. Plus, don't you like cookies?
General Discussion / In Celebration!
October 14, 2003, 09:12:16 PM
 *pats Shael* I haven't been keeping it a secret from you, I promise!

*strikes a heroic pose* I declare myself the post-warrior of the day!
General Discussion / HI!
October 14, 2003, 09:07:18 PM
 Somehow "post-warrior" seems more heroic than "spammer". I think we should go back to calling it a post war. *nods*
General Discussion / Another RWL group photo?
October 14, 2003, 08:59:52 PM
 I'm not in it! *sobs*
On the other hand, I like how Stormy seems to have a permanent scowl on his face. Eheh.
General Discussion / Who's Who Page
October 14, 2003, 08:53:07 PM
Quote from: MenatusOr, you can be like me, and can proudly say you have no idea what dreamweaver is and have never opened frontpage!
I had no idea what dreamweaver was either. I actually thought it was one of those net things that catch your bad dreams. Dreamcatchers! That's the name. *stares* Don't hurt meee...
General Discussion / In Celebration!
October 14, 2003, 08:40:00 PM
 *blinks* What was the question?
General Discussion / HI!
October 14, 2003, 08:37:49 PM
 O.o It's not a post war, Shael! I'm just enjoying myself immensly by talking about cookies! And tough ones!
General Discussion / In Celebration!
October 14, 2003, 08:32:59 PM
 *excited* Like what?!
General Discussion / In Celebration!
October 14, 2003, 08:26:21 PM
 *nods* Photo paper, yes. And wet paper. Shiny water. O__o

*gasp* Or paper that has been written on with a glitter pen! The possibilites!
General Discussion / HI!
October 14, 2003, 08:24:11 PM
 Tough cookies, then.


General Discussion / In Celebration!
October 14, 2003, 08:21:47 PM
 Riverpaw, paper isn't shiny. If it was, I'd be staring at it during class. Unless it's unexposed Photo paper. No wonder I like photography so much....
General Discussion / HI!
October 14, 2003, 08:19:55 PM
 Mmm, they are. AND the soft chewy sugar cookies with a mountain of frosting on top. So like I said, whoever manages to tear themselves from RWL gets one of these cookies.
General Discussion / In Celebration!
October 14, 2003, 08:18:24 PM
 Of course, I'm so often distracted by a shiny object that I -- ooo, shiny keyboard. *stares*

Yes, I, uh, use it too often. My friend was complaining about that. She said I should stop using it. But...I can't give up the shinies! No!