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Messages - fexfighter

no im telling you we take on the names of these people to hide our real names and yes they have done graet deeds of course they wont passs those of thickheaded adults but how cares, its  ok with us because we have somthing more,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, cubeys
Polling / Re: China Vs. USA
August 22, 2008, 12:22:41 AM
maybey thats the one but its going to hit earth those conculations are wrong well unless we stop it or the 4 stop it
if you dont beleieve me thats okay i really dont care what you say
sorry im ment to type Australia thats from one of my books and stop laughing and just because its somthing more complecated than 2+2 wich seems to be the only thing some of you can handle doesent mean that you get to ridicule it
                                                                          you really are just what i call an thickheaded adult
no yuoll have hord of kids after you have to what 1 and a half years and be a candidate from youre clan and have to have the highest amount of votes from other clans than you have to pass the tests and once youre done with that forget about youre life youll have to be completley devoted to being Emporor  
                                                  guess what eastern cubeys are wining  :D :D :D :D :D :D go Asturania
General Discussion / Re: Hello.
August 21, 2008, 05:44:55 PM
hello welcome to the forums i hope you find them fun (they are to me at least)
Polling / Re: China Vs. USA
August 21, 2008, 05:30:02 PM
no there was a two hour special about it on the discovery channel and a news report and if youre insulting our preists and oracles than back off i already told im going to limit my religiis talk to a minimum
                 please stop insulting us we already have enogh problems and we dont need any more such as ridicule you guys dont even give the time to eben understand us  >:( >:( >:(
Polling / Re: China Vs. USA
August 21, 2008, 09:57:57 AM
dont worry about nukes an astroid is going to hit the earth (cant remember what year)verey soon and it will have opcoliptic efects on this planet unless nasa are building somthing to stop it im dying at twentey three
its true you now we keep our true names to our selves and take on a Roman, Greek or egyptian name its part of our religion 
sorry i made a mistake its Constintine not Denarius and  its not a luaghing  matter my people are disitegrating and the impierial court cant do anything about it but still i dont see why hes abandioning the colonies it confses me and hae wont even tell any of the high ranking officials why hes making these desisions he confuses me and now they have captured the I.nternational C.ubey wich means the Australian colonies have no contact this is perfect just perfect
Polling / Re: China Vs. USA
August 19, 2008, 06:51:12 PM
thats even more true if the were to unleash a deadley disease were so compact and we travel so much that it would wip out the planet
Polling / Re: China Vs. USA
August 19, 2008, 05:14:50 PM
youre right but like we need any more factories were one of the worlds leading poluters in fact #3                                        china#1, france #2, usa #3 , Japan #4 and so on

and youre right  shadow nucuelar wars result in mass destruction and devastation that takes years or even never to clean up 
Polling / Re: China Vs. USA
August 19, 2008, 02:07:13 PM
youre wrong china does but there not as good as the us,s armey and the simple fact that almost everey product on the planet is made in china so it would be like saying "im sorry you cant buy anything untill our companys recover and find a diffrent method for manufacturing"( and they really wouldent care how far the stooped the fact is we have such a high sence of morality its only a matter of years before we all start thinking war is imoraly wrong)
i do it to and it doesent work to well
me to its a great way to find out abot other peoples opinions without spending hours waiting for replys