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Messages - CobyCopper

Reg Discussion / Re: Hot Off The Press
March 22, 2009, 12:06:33 PM
Post: Networth (?)   $600,712,504
Pre: Networth (?)   $600,712,504
Yeah--if you're going to make up stats, don't pull them out of your [Behind]. Anyways--he's still easier to break. The only thing I really lent to this all was brains and a dozen turns.
Topics grow quite a bit. I'll be off again soon--gotta check up on a few things, which means I'll have to hop on the bus soon. Anyways--truth be told, it's both. I am quite busy and my schedule's up in the air. I don't have "regular hours" for my team--because the only way I'm on the 'net right now is to disconnect the wireless access point, which disconnects my sister's and my mom's laptops. Not appropriate while they're home or awake. Further, this dinky little laptop is having issues connecting to the access point and I just put in for an RMA (due a pair of manufacturing defects). That being said, it goes out tomorrow. On a side note, I've not been on MSN since I have had to restore factory image twice now, with a third coming shortly. I may still be logged on in Miami (yes, Florida, where I live for college), as I left my desktop running. It's probably off now, but it was left on when I left a week ago.

Moving on from that, I made a pair of "mistakes" (or for you, breaks) after going on vacation initially. I gave you guys 36 hours total to take all the land you wanted, including over your apparently "normal" play times. So far as I'm concerned, a point about code abuse being used to lock it away is moot. You had 3x the required vulnerable period and information that I wouldn't be coming  back to normal play for a while, so it'd be expected that by leaving vacation would lead to hopping back to vacation immediately. And that's exactly what happened.

Now then--I don't see the move as particularly tactical. Yes, land is locked away, but if it would be tactical, my team would have to benefit from it or yours suffer. Frankly, it's benefiting Woof, in that one half of the BlackFly planning committee is absent. And you showed that--you had nearly locked 150k acres and had a higher NW. Other than that, you've had a fun time trying to take pot-shots at me. Oh well--I'll be back soon enough. In other news, if it bothers you THAT much, what's keeping me from staying on vacation an additional day for each complaint in this forum? ::)
1000 miles away and now with new tech trouble. Oh well. There's a big difference between a 5 minute break on RWL (without any commitments to others--by the way) and 2-4 hours when you don't. Anywho--I'm glad everyone is so concerned about how I'm enjoying my vacation. I just checked and got my grades from last term as well. Honors Econ snagged me an A, Speech got me a B+, the Law class was worth a smooth A+, and finally my Marketing was a nice A (with honors credit, from doing the term project/final alone). Now then--I start again in a week today, when I will be back in Miami. New York's been nice and cold. I just finished getting groceries, having to walk for a few miles. I'll see about popping back into normal play when I can actually connect wirelessly.
Reg Discussion / Re: Regular so far, a report of sorts.
February 19, 2009, 12:32:31 AM
Quote from: Shadow on February 18, 2009, 08:20:07 PM
Quote from: Wolf Snare on February 18, 2009, 04:31:26 PM
All of you who wish to bash my skill have obviously alot to learn. I've learned from all of the greatest, taken the salvageable information they had to give, and compiled it into my own series of strategies. Many seem to think that because I've floated away from RWL in the past year that it is fair to assume that my skills have gone away with me. Heck, I've even had little noobs try to take stabs at me ^^. The fact of the matter is, marrel, is I do see you as a fairly good producer in the game, but your skills are far from extraordinary. I found it amusing that you tried to say you were better at everything but indying, which I've mastered inside and out along with every aspect of leader math this game has to offer. I think many of you have taken my cocky post and have taken the opportunity to toot your own horns. The fact of the matter is, marrel, I've seen you play, and I know I can produce the same as you absent minded, with you playing full tilt. Not to even mention other aspects of the game, like indying, which I've never seen you do above average, and your offensive intuition could use a bit of improvement as-well.

blah blah im great blah blah. Get over yourself already. We are aware of your opinion of your skills.

QuoteAnother example of how I believe Shadow hops from side to side on issues when they benefit him.

Ereptor left for a grand total of about two days, and we had already shown that you couldn't take him down at that point so it made no difference. Bob claims to be leaving for several weeks, and is taking a lot of the land with him even though he is easily breakable. As for me hopping around, I seem to recall you whining about Ereptor going on vacation at the time, and now you are doing it on a larger timescale. Hypocrite? There's that word again. It goes both ways Snare.

QuoteIt was stated that Woof runs consist of a few players. BlackFly does not run without at least 4, so the claim that we are unorganized is hogswash.
Actually it's us that is disorganized, more shame to you. Who said you were?

QuoteSure, woof tends to destroy more networth, because we take the time to produce it. The funny thing about that is, if Woof produced more networth, we would probably deem it appropriate to destroy.

Don't be naive, friends, as shadow and I have stated several times... rank number one doesn't mean a thing. Suiciding and murdering is something a 4 year old could maneuver, so just because Woof is first does not give merit to believe they are far better than blackfly.
Sure, however, you have failed in your objective, which was to lock. I suppose you can call vacation locking, but we all know how it will play out - bob will come off vacation to a full blown clan run and end up on top and then you and he will brag about it and call it fair play, etc. Once more. Get over yourself. You're a good player, your problem is that you fail to acknowledge that there are others. RWL is not a mathematically demanding game, most of it can be figured out with grade 8 algebra.
Just a quick response...
1) How could Ereptor only leave for 2 days? Yes, he was already locking, but vacation has a 72 hour minimum not including the 12 hours leading up to that point. And why would he go on vacation in the first place?
2) I can't run when I leave vacation. Unless it's been changed, I don't receive turns while on vacation. That means that I will have 144 turns when I leave vacation, which is hardly a full run.
3) The real issue of skills is who understands the code best. In some ways, exploiting it for an unfair advantage is what we all do already. I can name a few glitches or other issues that haven't been taken care of or were taken care of and now apparently reversed. I won't, however, as that could give an unfair advantage to those that don't realize what the problem is. The other aspect is one of the glitches in particular, I've gone beyond the benefits into the drawbacks. I'm taking a good bit of a hit for it.
4) As to particular comments earlier, what I mean is I would love to see continued competition. So by all means, keep it going. I won't be around, so just pent up your frustration for when I am back. And thanks for the idea--BlackFly could stand to add $1b NW to me when I leave vacation.
5) Anyways--I don't have time to dedicate hours of my time to a petty game. I enjoy it, but I prefer to cop out and do better academically than stick around and get lower grades.

Das ist das leben. I'll see you all in a few weeks, when finals are done and I'm not on vacation. Till then, alles gute.
Reg Discussion / Re: Regular so far, a report of sorts.
February 17, 2009, 11:09:11 PM
Quote from: Shadow on February 17, 2009, 10:23:29 PM
It's hardly worth it. We have fought fair up to now, and you guys reward that with something that could be called code abuse. You aren't busy by the standards of anyone here, so come back and play or stop hogging the land until you find a way to cope.

Also, those 'clueless' people are the ones who have kept your clan down for the last few weeks, so I think you are being pretty cocky there. You sound like wolf snare. When I taught you all that leader math I was hoping you would use it for fun instead of to prove a point.
Interesting attempts at trying to suicide me, including recruiting a newb without even the decency to tell him to use Attack? I wasn't the target of that particular "assault", but it shows you're going to be filled with a bit of BS on that. As for OH--I did my job as best as I should have. I was there to manage clan affairs, keep us out of wars, and teach a bit too. The most I do to "harm" OH is keep them out of harms way. I don't ask them to do my dirty work or anyone else's dirty work. I'll leave that up to those who know what they're doing. By the way--my particular stance is and always has been to let my students make their own decisions on allegiances, unless what I'm teaching them requires something else. What I've been doing specifically is teaching people by providing structure, clear and specific feedback, and also providing opportunities to increase knowledge and build competence. The only challenges I set for my students are challenges that are realistic and potentially successful.

The difference between my "busy" and your "busy" is I recognize where I'm overextending myself and make an effort to correct the issue. I can't realistically keep playing this and do well on my finals, so why bother trying? The only person I'm hurting then is myself.

By the way--what I expected out of you was that you would do what's best for the game. I've learned all that I really can from you months ago, which has led me in a different direction than you.
Reg Discussion / Re: Regular so far, a report of sorts.
February 17, 2009, 09:36:36 PM
Quote from: Shadow on February 17, 2009, 09:32:32 PM
Hey we're all busy bob, want my list too? or volk's? Marell's? Stop being lame and play it out.
Too late for that, don't you think? I'll pop back and play regularly again in a few weeks. Play it out. You can be prepared to stomp me 2 minutes after I return if you really want to, which is a much better use of your time and energy. So set that up--I'd love some healthy competition. By the way--props for taking me down a few times before. The only thing I dislike is the (clueless) people who you decided to have help you.
Reg Discussion / Re: Tattoo Vampire and Vacationing
February 17, 2009, 09:32:52 PM
Did anyone even TRY to attack me over the 12 hour period (which included normal hours for the majority of the game)? I set vacation at around 5AM and of course it should have taken effect around 5PM. Plenty of time, really. Try again next time.
Reg Discussion / Re: Regular so far, a report of sorts.
February 17, 2009, 09:29:51 PM
Cool it, kids. I've got a bunch of stuff I need to take care of over the next few weeks. Marketing group paper and presentation done alone and presented alone. Two more speeches to go in the next 3 classes, including the last being relatively impromptu. I have a 10-page paper due to Economics as well as a presentation about that. Then I can round it off with my Law class, which we're pulling into the final parts about now. Needless to say, I have a bit on my plate. Term ends a week Thursday, and I may just stick away for about 10 days past that. Until then, I still left you with ~87% of the land in Reg. Feel free to play with it and any new land that comes in. Anyways--on the funny "skills v. code abuse" thing, I was looking forward to Woof and related warlords taking me down during the first 12 hours. That seems not to have happened, so in a few ways, this was a fair sentence. Oh well.

By the way--I finally decided to go on vacation because of one important aspect of my life. My last run took me far too long. I was sitting around most of the night and giving directions while I should have been sleeping. So I'll have to block Redwall off for a bit. While I'm gone, be sure not to complain too much about taking 100k land out of circulation. It'll be back eventually. And in the meantime, why don't you spend extra turns scouting?
Bugs / Networth Hack
December 23, 2008, 08:18:25 PM
Some nobody did a networth hack. #26 on turbo. I just saw it on the Top10 list.
Development / Re: Illegal Strategy?!? The Explorer!
October 14, 2008, 11:49:25 AM
Quote from: Shadow on October 14, 2008, 11:12:22 AM
If you can name me one time that anyone has ever had to drop below 500 land for strategy purposes other than assisted suicide, please tell me.

The cap of 100 would likely only affect one turn in protection - after that first scout, it drops below 100 land per scout anyway

also, a leaderer need only drop once per run if he is careful. Maybe make it a credit system, like aid. 5 drops, regain one per hour.
Impenetrable fortress of a fox. Low land, immaculate ratio, many cloaks, and a load of troops. Unique situations really. Other then that, early-game scouting. It's unlikely you'll profit from your first run, but you can make sure your allies do (and set you up for it) by making land for them to use. It doesn't have to be 100+k land, it can be even 10-20k additional.

Anyways--not everyone will be perfect. IF a leader's under constant assault, they may choose that dropping land after a round of suicides is the better course then keeping it. If you're under assault or jump the gun, if you just ran, or if you're rationing land for your clan...

Anyways--as I said, I think we should let this strategy run its course over the period of 1-2 rounds (months), then make decisions on how to check it back.
Development / Re: Illegal Strategy?!? The Explorer!
October 14, 2008, 11:09:16 AM
Quote from: Shadow on October 14, 2008, 11:02:44 AM
Easy - max out the scouted land per turn at 100.
That's an option, but I don't think it should effect everyone until, perhaps, the leave protection?

do not allow land to be dropped if you have less than 500 land (my personal favorirte)
Another option, but there are strategic reasons to drop a lot of land.

get rid of the land farm
And then you can have the opposite effect: leaders or anyone else can destroy land

put a cap on the frequency of dropping land - twice per hour?
Which I disagree with, personally. It'd stunt pure-leader strats or when people make a mistake in how much they drop (not enough, for example)
There are tons of ways to get this out of the game.

Do consider that the advents of the leader strategy and the industrial strategy, both were far overpowered. This is a new strategy: and right now it is overpowered. I say let it play out over a round or two, and then decide how to stunt it. Leaders and indyers can benefit greatly from this strat as it is.
Development / Re: Illegal Strategy?!? The Explorer!
October 14, 2008, 11:00:31 AM
Quote from: Shadow on October 14, 2008, 10:57:08 AM
This is similar to the troop loop - an overpowered strat based on an unintednded consequence of the math used to program the game. When such things are found, they are invariably coded out. Remember when the guy from imperium came here and used the PM exploit to get 11 quinitillion net? That was also a legitimate use of game mechanics, but I don't hear you complaining that the net was removed.

In short, thank you for finding a bug, we can now make the game a little more balanced by removing it.

As for the rest of it, sure, it's a legite strat and you can use your turns however you want. But in the interest of not unbalancing things, we need to slow it down. If everyone did that the first day of turbo, there would be 2 million land in the game on the second day, every set, and frankly, that's not fun at all.
There are several ways to use this strat in pure form or in hybrid. Now then: figure out a way to nerf scouting then. Getting 100k land into the game overnight isn't much of an exploit: especially considering the physical workload and lack of substantial benefit. Anyways--scouting isn't an exploit. It's scouting: a core portion of the game.

1) You're incredibly easy to kill
2) Everyone benefits from additional land: it should scale up the NWs generated as land available increases. It could be a strategic addition of, say, 250k acres. It also makes you rely on those scouters: you can't give them a thing that they'd want on the server.
3) The WORST that could happen is we have Emperor Land Farm with, say, 250,000,000 acres. It's the admin's account--if it got out of hand like that, delete the new land. You disown the land you drop--so it's effectively free domain for admins or other players.
Development / Re: Illegal Strategy?!? The Explorer!
October 14, 2008, 10:51:34 AM
Exploit: Illegal, making a cruder strategy similar to this much faster, and basically more effective in the time allotted. It's definitely needed to be made illegal: it can cause a lot of damage. The revive bug speeds it up a LOT.

Strategy: It's 450-550 turns--they're all your own. Dropping land you just made is a decision you make. Some people consider 900-1100 refreshes a LOT--and so do I. It brings a lot of land into the game, of course. A lot of land!! It's perfectly legitimate--you made that land, you used your turns and time as you wanted. I don't think there should be an upper limit on what you can do. This game is based on mathematics and programming: knowing it is the biggest benefit to playing. We stumbled on the exploit and then used it, but Shade already had the idea to scout for a lot of land. That part is strategy.

Now then: revive bug = bad, scouting at 1 land & no NW = good.
Development / Illegal Strategy?!? The Explorer!
October 14, 2008, 09:14:16 AM
Ok now, of course the strategy overall used to flood Regular with about 250,000 acres in about 3 minutes was illegal and used an exploit. The specifics of that exploit shouldn't be shared: it's still possible to do, just at a lower speed. Anyways: some people may have realized that you can scout for >250 land per turn as a Lizard at basically no land. Why should, in Regular or Turbo, scouting be illegal? My opinion is yes--it floods the game with land. It's uncontrollable: it's the strategy for EVERYONE ELSE. Neither Shade nor I could control who the land went to when we did it before, and again yes we flooded Reg with roughly 250k acres. So, I agree that the exploit itself should be 100% illegal. I disagree that scouting at 1 land should be illegal. It's your account, it's your time. If a player wants to scout for >100k land in a run, great. Let them--but don't let them use the exploit to speed it up a LOT. Scouting's in the game, again, because it's meant to make new land. My opinion is scouting at 1 land is as much an exploit as a suicide with 1 hut. The difference is scouting is an enabler, and brings new land into the game that may have been removed because people deleted, were disabled, or went on a long-term vacation. It's just another strategy.

By the way--the person scouting for all that land probably won't reap the benefits of that land: they get a tired hand and the hope that it helps an ally or two out.
Reg Discussion / Re: Ereptors Reign
October 13, 2008, 08:54:11 PM
Funny. It's about to end.