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Messages - thomaskreisman

oh ya I c what ya mean but u gota admit that's really funny
Spa Room 101 / Re: Look at my new avitar!
June 27, 2008, 07:55:44 PM
yup ferret rule the animal world
Firetooth wins!

OK that just wasted all of u guyses time lets try this one

jsidnsienuddksfhsfifbicbpdkbcsidfisdbfabsifeugsbaibsbsfbspsbsidfewbfbciuwoqqihdbckwbeiphsidkfhiuefyrkbchufyytrckjshdfuiwpuwerhiuhfjkshdfhfuishdfiwehruwyeikahfjstjerfkshfisudfhhowhlcn,smdhfw/ahfskep16493874912734923r dfhsfsjdhfjkhakfushkfjhe@%#$%HJDKHJ$TSFD>pdjlafjeeiohsdklhfspshflsdo

now how many P's r in that maze of leters numbers and other simbols?
ya I know but I couldn't help but showing it to u, I bet Checkerpaw will hate me now, hehehe
The GOP Party (ODD) / Re: What?
June 26, 2008, 08:44:58 PM
I'd like to have another election
Spa Room 101 / Re: Look at my new avitar!
June 26, 2008, 08:30:12 PM
ya but u can get deoderiser (I have no clue how to spell that) for them.
Reg Discussion / Re: Very important
June 26, 2008, 08:26:20 PM
but come on now why would u think that I would get offended by my bad spelling?
Turbo Discussion / Re: Well folks
June 26, 2008, 08:24:39 PM
sorry I just think it's so funny

by accedent! heheehe
ya but the youngest player we have is 12 and I custed when I was 12
Strategy / Re: Strategies
June 26, 2008, 07:19:18 PM
next round I am going to try a farmer stratagy
Spa Room 101 / Re: Look at my new avitar!
June 26, 2008, 07:11:44 PM
ya same my ferret likes to steal my famalies shoes and take them to his cabanet at the very top of the kitchen where he sleeps (despite having a perficly good hamick in my room) that's where he ceeps all his loot.

he is 18 weeks old and still very small but the picture of him that I wanted to make as my avitar wouldn't work so i had to use some other ferret.
Turbo Discussion / Re: Well folks
June 26, 2008, 07:09:04 PM
I hope u don't get killed by accedent, hahaha, I meen, by accedent, thats bull crap and we all know it haha accedent hehehehohoha
Spa Room 101 / Look at my new avitar!
June 26, 2008, 05:53:01 PM
I love ferrets, I have one named ruffles.
nice spam saladin and nice double post firetooth, I guiess I have to catch up


now how many O's where in that maze of G's first one to get it right wins, u only get 1 try!
Clans / Re: Corsair
June 26, 2008, 02:47:02 PM
yes and u can take all of in but 12k if u want it just don't use skiffs because I have 400mil of them so it probrobly won't work